Why FDA Pushes Low Fat, No Meat Diet – Leaky Gut from Overkill Rx


Why does the FDA and food producers over advertise low or no fat, no meat or dairy, foods?

Humans need to supplement cholesterol from fat made in their liver about 40% more from diet to make enough to support the Innate Immune System. Meat is the only way to get enough essential Vitamin B-12, iodine, iron and zinc without duplicative supplementation.  It isn’t necessarily toxins that cause havoc in our bodies but leaky gut which leaks good bacteria, undigested food, and toxins into the lung, liver and other organs spurring cancer, heart disease, kidney stones, etc.  Toxins are not inherently toxic unless relocated to some place in the body not designed for them, by say, leaky gut allowing bacteria into the bloodstream, causing insidious low grade metabolic sepsis.

It is also the failure of our bodies to eliminate these substances from our bodies fast enough each day that causes disease due to insufficient hydration, fiber, and natural circulation boosters to maintain health.  Re-interpreting toxicologist Paracelsus, it isn’t the dosage or the substance that makes the poison, but the lack of flow, elimination, and compromising of the gut and cell walls in the body that make good bacteria and food into toxins

Leaky gut is mainly the side effect of antibiotics and the lethal dosage of prescription drugs. Collagen deficiency from not eating gelatinous foods such as pigs feet, beef tendons, bone broth, chicken skin, gelatin, etc. is part of the leaky gut problem.

With age the rate of metabolism declines.  Historically, caffeine, nicotine and alcohol have been natural metabolism and elimination boosters that are over-taxed and criminalized to drive the public to replacing them with drugs more lucrative to the pharmaceutical industry and government. Research monies, however, give priority to explaining how an almost-invisible, non-existent virus is the cause of disease and epidemics.  Research fails to focus on overgrowth of infinitesimally small cell-wall deficient organisms like Candida yeast (0.15 milllionths of a meter) caused by excessive prescription of antibiotics.  Nevertheless, a recent research paper blames iron overload as the culprit and even the conservative media is swallowing the propaganda.

Lung Failure from Iron Overload

In a paper titled “Fatal COVID-19 Pulmonary Disease Involved Ferroptosis” (Nature Communications Journal, May 20, 2024), Columbia University researchers report finding a “new” form of severe septic COVID lung cell death attributed to iron overload. Based on autopsies of COVID patients who died of lung disease they report

“…ferroptosis markers (cell death from high cellular iron levels) strongly correlate with lung injury severity in a COVID-19 disease model. COVID-19 pulmonary pathology is associated with both viral infection damage and host inflammatory responses, including cytokine storm and inflammation”.

To establish validity of their findings the researchers also studied patients with and without severe lung injury and those patients with mild COVID-19 who recovered as comparison-control groups.  This is despite that no virus has ever been isolated as nothing occurs in the body in isolation.

This purported research breakthrough has attracted the conservative Epoch Times newspaper to devote an entire article to it by Megan Redshaw, J.D., titled “Research Suggests Unusual Form of Cell Death Causes Severe COVID-19 Lung Damage”.  Moreover, Columbia University researcher Brent Stockwell is reported to have “demonstrated that ferroptosis can occur in healthy contexts as part of the body’s normal processes”.   Meaning, lung tissue necrosis (death) can occur in non-sick persons!  So much for the notion that COVID-19 is a pathogen. It can be inferred that lung disease and failure can also occur due to normal aging and degeneration of the lung. Nevertheless, both the Columbia University researchers and the Epoch Times report it as an “unusual” cause of death!  The Epoch Times’ coverage of this supposedly breakthrough research fails to mention that ancient Egyptians purged poisons out of the body by bloodletting.

Put differently, no bugaboo “virus” would be needed to cause so-called COVID-19 lung damage.  But that is not the interpretation of the study put forth in the research paper nor that of the Epoch Times newspaper.

Liver Failure from Iron Overload

In another recent research paper not cited by the Columbia researchers nor the Epoch Times, titled “The Gut Microbiome and Ferroptosis in Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease” (Journal of Clinical and Translational Hepatology, Nov. 2023), Chinese researchers attribute liver disease to Ferroptosis (iron overload) and leaky gut as metabolic diseases, not viral infections.  They report that Ferroptosis is a “novel form of programmed cell death caused by iron-dependent lipid peroxidation” (oxygen deterioration of fat).

The Chinese researchers point out that there is a gut-liver axis and that the liver is negatively affected by gut bacteria, endotoxins (dead bacteria), and inflammatory molecules from the gut.  The intestinal mucous barrier is the first line of defense against invasion by potential pathogens. But it can be compromised by abnormal migration of gut bacteria to the liver through the portal vein, causing an autoimmune reaction and leaking of food particles and metabolites (non-nutrients) into the liver and bloodstream. Leaky gut can result in what is called Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.

The Chinese researchers report leaky gut is caused by a high-fat diet, gut dysbiosis, and reduced bile acid secretion (especially if gall bladder has been removed).  And gut dysbiosis is caused by excessive antibiotic use, chronic alcohol consumption, high fat diet, and resulting microbial imbalances such as yeast overgrowth (candida), and loss of good bacteria. This results in toxic metabolites (non-nutrients from undigested food), bacterial toxins in (endotoxins and capsids), leaking through the intestinal barrier.  And this breakdown apparently deposits excess iron in the liver.  Perhaps this is the body’s attempt at stimulating growth instead of cellular death, just as iron is used to stimulate the growth of roses.

The Chinese researchers list several remedies such as drugs and steroids that only can be assumed to have more negative side effects than benefits, as the dosage of all drugs are the lethal dose (see Jennifer Daniels, MD, The Lethal Dose: Why Your Doctor is Prescribing It).  But they also discuss several complementary remedies to leaky gut liver disease such as pro-biotics (Bifido).  An almost unique product designed to sustain elimination despite leaky gut can be found here.

In sum, researchers are inadvertently reporting causes of COVID like diseases such as lung and liver failure that have no need of a virus explanation, even though the Coronavirus COVID-19 model is pushed into their interpretation of their research. Everything seems to come back to metabolic disorder and leaky gut. Hippocrates: “All disease begins in the gut”.

This also seems to bust the Germ Theory that an external germ causes COVID-like disease despite researchers’ worship of the false COVID god.  Likewise, Terrain Theory’s claim that detoxing, however true, fails to get at the root cause of compromise of the gut and is merely palliative.

We must remind ourselves that government and its defense agencies propagate “germ theory” as a “psy op” to deceive enemy populations as a tactic of germ warfare.  These same agencies are not going to reveal the deception in their sometimes highly persuasive disease models even to their own domestic citizenry.  As sociologist Peter Berger explains: “The deception in social structures is a functional imperative. Society can maintain itself only if its fictions are accorded ontological (natural) status (e.g.: “pandemics are naturally caused by germs”)…But at least some institutions can also become protective shields for the actions of free men. This…does not necessarily lead us to a view of society as the universal realm of illusion, but rather illuminates more clearly the paradoxical and infinitely precarious character of social existence…In this sense, we are all the puppets of society, but sociology allows us to see the strings that we are attached to, which helps us free ourselves”.

The FDA and food producers over advertise low fat, no meat diets because they contain lower endotoxins and capsids produced by antibiotics and divert us from recognizing that disease results from a lack enough collagen to maintain cellular and organ integrity and sufficient fiber and hydration to sustain daily elimination and cleansing.  Blaming iron-rich foods like meat is a diversion from overkill medication resulting in leaky gut.

The post Why FDA Pushes Low Fat, No Meat Diet – Leaky Gut from Overkill Rx appeared first on LewRockwell.

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