Last week I told my newsletter audience about an angry reader who had written to me, in response to an issue of the newsletter that I’d written about Moderna, that most people had simply moved on and I should just let all this go.
Why are you still so hung up on this? Get over it. Move on. Live life. Or is this what your people still want to hear? I actually got so sick of your stance on this a couple years ago I unsubscribed and have ignored you since. And this comes from someone who was not a supporter of the vaccine or its mandates. You just became so obsessed with your anti-vax stance that you became sickening to any sane person.
So, I was surprised to see this email, and see that you still have an unhealthy obsession with these companies and old, bad, policies. I am just here to say get over it. Move on. Or get help.
The majority of us forgot about this and are just enjoying life again. Please join us.
I rather doubt that Mr. Sunshine here is enjoying his life more than I’m enjoying mine, but at any rate I responded like this:
Think of all those times when “they did something evil, but let’s just enjoy ourselves” worked.
It’s approximately never, isn’t it?
Isn’t “the majority of us forgot about this” precisely the problem?
Yes, by all means go to the bar or play video games if you want. Nobody is stopping you. I myself travel the world with my loved ones and enjoy a fulfilling life.
But some of us have this oddball idea that justice ought to be served.
If we don’t keep pushing on this, you know as well as I do that a generation from now kids will be learning in school that wise public servants like Anthony Fauci did their best to keep everyone safe, but science-hating rubes refused to listen and therefore paid the price.
Absolutely no aspect of that story bears any resemblance to reality, but when has that stopped the schools before?
We endured three years of nonstop official lies that contradicted what we could see with our own eyes, and to our horror most of our fellow countrymen simply went along – and even demonized us for not buying it.
You remember the story: some locations did better than others on Covid because those places followed the rules, while others foolishly ignored them. Covid spread was your fault, you science hater!
There is precisely zero evidence behind any aspect of this morality play, and people suffered unspeakably because of it.
And I’m supposed to let that go?
To the contrary, I’m happy to announce that my first book in nine years, Diary of a Psychosis: How Public Health Disgraced Itself During COVID Mania, has just been released.
I followed this thing closely all throughout these awful years, writing about it every day in my email newsletter.
That means that I remember all the little details, all the inanities, all the contradictions, everything, that the bad guys would prefer we forget about.
What we laughingly call the experts would predict one thing, and the opposite would happen. Again and again. But you know full well, dear reader, that they never had to worry about being confronted about it by anyone in the media. Our media demanding answers from establishment figures? That’s a laugh.
Diary of a Psychosis is a relentless demolition of the public health establishment and the inhuman measures – including threatening people with personal and professional destruction for noncompliance – that they forced upon us.
Now I can already hear what some people will say: “This was never about health or a virus. It was always about control.”
The problem is this: literally billions of people think to this day that all the interventions were about indeed about our health and a virus, and that the world’s governments simply did their best against a deadly pathogen.
So we have to start there.
Once they understand that none of the so-called mitigation measures did any good, only then their minds will be open enough to introduce more challenging propositions.
On my book website,, I’m giving away two free books to everyone who orders this one. One of those free books is called Collateral Damage: Victims of the Lockdown Regime Tell Their Stories.
As far as I know, it is the only book of its kind.
During the Covid years we heard plenty of state propaganda about social distancing and masks and why your kids couldn’t go to the playground. What we absolutely did not hear were stories about people who suffered under these restrictions. And there are more of them than we can count.
Readers of my newsletter were writing to me every day about families pitted against themselves, about devastated careers, about missed surgeries, about loved ones forced to die alone, about isolation and grief and frustration and sadness and incredulity that any of this could be happening in the first place.
We never got to hear those stories. They weren’t allowed. If you complained about the lockdowns that was because you were a selfish person who wanted to get a haircut and then kill your grandmother.
People were shamed into keeping silent about what was happening to them. My companion book Collateral Damage is an effort to rectify that injustice.
Those stories need to be heard. They need to be heard because refusing to hear them is inhuman. They need to be heard because these are real people who are just as entitled to human compassion as anyone else.
And they need to be heard because if historians are ever to tell the true story of what happened to us during these years, these kinds of stories are indispensable. No chart or graph can substitute for them.
Again, I’m giving that one away for free as a companion to Diary of a Psychosis, the main book.
So no, I’m not just going to “move on,” as Mr. Sunshine urges. And neither should you.
The fireworks begin right here:
The post The ‘Public Health’ Con Job appeared first on LewRockwell.