The New York Times Explains That Mask Wearing Helps To ‘Rewire’ Children

Pro tip: Google and The New York Times have a business arrangement that makes subscription-free reading easier. If you don’t want to prop up this once great newspaper by buying a New York Times subscription, then do this: Whenever you hit a New York Times paywall, you can just copy and paste the URL into a Google search and click on the top return in order to view that New York Times article for free. 

Shouldn’t I Feel Bad Doing That? 

You should feel no shame in doing this. The New York Times has spent years in total decline into mere propaganda rag for the uniparty establishment and deserves no propping up. May the Gray Lady die a swift and quiet death so that she can at least go back, even if only in  the memory of man, to be known for the generally noble efforts that once took place within those pages, pages that once great men and women wrote for.

Though the institution has doubtlessly been fraught with foibles and scandals over its history, this exemplary list of writers includes the brilliant free market mind Henry Hazlitt. Hazlitt was once an editor for The New York Times and frequent writer of the unsigned editorials that represented the official opinions of the Times editorial board. Though efforts to reform and prevent this decline of The New York Times have taken place, the paper has moved so far away from truthful coverage and honest debate that Hazlitt would no longer be allowed past security in that building today.

Though some New Yorkers are renown for the provincial style of blindness that allows one to look around a rat infested city covered in grime, garbage, and now desolation, and uncritically call everything in New York “the best,” I write this praise of the once great New York Times as a Midwesterner who was once an avid reader of the Sunday pages of this once excellent publication, and recognize what a loss it is for American society that it has descended so far into the abyss.

Please Forgive The Delay, But The Egregious Nature Of This Piece Still Deserves Addressing 

I’ve been working on my next book (Face Masks Hurt Kids is due for release soon) since August, which means I have failed to comment on some of the more egregious topics of the face mask debate since that time. The New York Times opinion piece “Actually, Wearing a Mask Can Help Your Child Learn,” by Judith Danovitch would be one of them. Danovitch’s piece was published in mid-August 2021 as courageous parents near and far were increasingly standing up for their children at school board meetings in droves. The article deserves far more criticism than it has, to date, received.

Greater than 50% of the 757-word article belittles the wise and natural concerns of parents that masks are harmful and perhaps even dangerous for their children. That is unfortunate, for we already live in an era that seeks to be so discouraging of good parental behavior that additional discouragement is unheeded and redundant. A good aspect of the article is that Danovitch speaks a great deal of truth in the article, she just twists it in such an unethical and manipulative way that it is very difficult to recognize that truth. In the next few minutes, I am going to try to twist her words back into shape here so that the truth is clearer, and it is easier to read between the lines.

To give you a sense of who the writer is, let us begin by pointing to the ethics of a mother who eagerly plays mad scientist with her child.

This Biography From A Professional May Shock You 

In what I will admit is an ad hominem intended to illustrate this writer’s poor ethics around boundaries, Dr. Danovitch considers her child to be “her favorite research subject,” as stated in her biography below.

“Judith Danovitch, Ph.D. grew up in New York speaking English, Spanish, and Hebrew. After earning degrees from Harvard and Yale, she became a psychology professor. She teaches child development courses and studies how children think and learn. Her favorite research subject is her own child, who is bilingual in English and Hebrew.”

Children are awesome to observe and learn from. Children are not appropriate to do research on. When research must be conducted, it must be done with the most significant ethical considerations. Children cannot give their informed consent. Parents must. To make a parent both lead researcher and unconflicted provider of informed consent is nearly impossible. One must be placed before the other. In the case of Danovitch, as one can see from the biography, the role of researcher appears to be the role she places in first position.

Based on this, and other aspects of her professional efforts and parental efforts disclosed through her writing, I fear Danovitch has put a great deal of effort into sentencing her poor child to an adulthood on the therapist’s couch. Knowing so many members of the New York raised intelligentsia, I suspect Danovitch does not see this as a problem in the least.

As if the awful New York Times op-ed did not already speak volumes, Danovitch’s above biography for demonstrates that she has all the right credentials and all the right ethical lapses to be able to write this deceitful New York Times article. When encountering deceitful work in establishment rags, you need to be especially careful to ask yourself, “What is the author really trying to say?”

Though couched in pleasant, or at least palatable, language, sometimes what the author is real trying to say is about as vile as it gets. The art of being a talking head for the mainstream technocratic class is the art of being able to speak the most vile notions in the most calming tones and in the most disarming language. If an audience member begins to gently slip into sleep or even into a hypnotic trance while encountering your calming, gentle words, so much the better. As long as the audience cannot see vile as vile, all is well.

New York Times: If You Let Them Make The Most Of This Crisis, They Will Use Masks To Mess Up Your Children 

In the Machiavellian spirit of the man, Rahm Emanuel, Washington D.C.-insider-cum-transitional-Chicago-mayor, has been known to say “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Chicagoans once called Chicago “the city that works,” because for all its wicked corruption, the city fathers at least made sure that the place was enjoyable to live in and possible to raise a family in, looked clean, that checkbooks got balanced, and that the roads got plowed and salted almost as quickly as the snow fell.

Before so many other parts of the country knew the pain sky-high taxes, Chicagoans put up with the corruption and graft because at least it was a fairly well maintained place. Emmanuel was the one who helped remove the relatively effective, though scumbag-filled, democratic machine that the city once new and prepared the way for the utter degeneracy and cultural Marxism that the city now knows.

Perhaps there is nothing wrong with benefiting from a crisis that someone else created. However, sometimes one wonders how frequently this Machiavellian view around crisis caused Emanuel to manufacture crises with the intent of seizing greater control.

Danovitch echoes this same Machiavellian approach to crisis and states truthfully her psychotic opinion in the last sentence of her New York Times article. It is the most telling sentence of the article and a lens by which to decode the rest of the article.

“Masks are hopefully not here to stay, but while they are still necessary, we should make the most of them.”

What does Danovitch mean by “make the most of them?”

Though Danovitch, in that article, is critical of a Utah mom who was concerned about the impact of public health mandates “rewiring” the brains of children, Danovitch spends the article going through the importance of using masks to do exactly that — to rewire the brains of our children. Likely without intending to, Danovitch makes a compelling argument for how effective masks are at that.

New York Times: Masks Distract Children And Prevent Them From Focus On More Important Matters 

For many people, their finest creative moments take place when they have no cell signal or when the phone battery dies, when it is the early morning hours or late hours, or when they close themselves up and hunker down on a project. In such a moment, that person is able to limit distraction of daily life and to focus. Until the power goes out, it is almost hard to realize how distracted one is by the din of daily life, and how much one misses what life is like absent that noise. In such moments one finds the “signal” of life and not just the noise. In such moments, one learns to rely on ones own available faculties. Danovitch seems to write applaudingly about that calm environment in which one can pay attention, but she is in fact writing applaudingly about the very opposite — distraction:

“Wearing a mask can also help teach children to pay more attention to their own bodies and physical behaviors.” 

Here, Danovitch writes “pay attention,” but she really means the exact opposite. She is talking about distraction. Instead of a child paying attention to what he or she really wants to focus on, the child is paying attention to a distraction — a face mask.

To pay attention to a distraction is to be distracted. To be distracted is the opposite of to pay attention. Do you see what Danovitch did here? She used the antonym in place of the word that fit. She communicated the opposite. Using an antonym in place of a word that fits is called lying.

This is one of the techniques of the chattering classes, intended to lull you into comfort in the midst of whatever vile concept that they are spewing. Frank Lutz elaborated upon this technique with praise in his 2007 book Words That Work.

Lying does not deserve praise. It deserves rebuke. Let us spend a little more time, though, on the significance of distraction.

The Significance Of Distraction 

Maria Montessori (1870-1952) writing in The Secret of Childhood demonstrates the need for a child to be left alone to focus. It is one of the main conflicts between the adult world and the child world — an inability for an adult to leave the child alone to focus.

Instead, there is commonly a goal to push the child to comply with the adult’s hectic schedule or any adult schedule. Schedules are not all bad, but sometimes schedules provide more distraction from what is really important than they provide benefit.

Montessori argues, that for a child to learn to the best of his ability, a child needs not a busy schedule of being shuttled to and fro at the whim of some external force, but that child instead needs a massive amount of peace and quiet. It is possible that this constant distraction is not only harmful for the child but may be harmful for the adult as well. We are all benefitted by the discipline that comes from saying “No!” to the outside world more and allowing oneself to slow down and to focus on that which matters most.

Wearing a mask has been described by many children as “distracting.” A mask distracts a child from more meaningful pursuits and keeps a child obsessed with the carnal discomfort that youthful bodies seldom know. If you can keep a child distracted from birth onward, that child never finds the focus to figure out core truths in life. The more that can be done, the less that child is able to find those core truths.

If you can continue that distraction into the adult years — the preventing of a person from meditating on a truth — then that person has never had a chance to get to know truth and to encounter important revelations.

One may meditate on a truth. One may alternately engage in the mind clearing nature of yoga, also called meditation, but in fact the opposite. That the meditation on a truth and the mind-clearing “meditation” about nothing go by the same name does not make them the same activity.

Yoga — A Fitting Religion For Our Time 

Yoga is a fitting religion for our time in which constant noise is dedicated to distracting a person from focusing on what matters, distracting one from meditating on truth. Then, exhausted by daily life, that individual finds refreshing calm in the yogic practice of clearing one’s mind and focussing on nothing.

The net result is a day in which an individual has figured out how to spend an entire day focussed on nothing meaningful.

Yoga helps many to bring calm to a life filled with motion, but which is generally absent a pursuit for anything meaningful. With yoga, one can be convinced that any disquiet in this situation is not due to the very foundations of the situation being rotten, but instead due to a lack of quiet meditation on nothing. With yoga, modernity then has another tool by which to say “Bummed about life? Just spend more time meditating on nothing, and you’ll feel great.”

The calm such an approach to life offers can be so very alluring. A busy world can be well-served by more calm. The calm that serves the individual, though, is a calm that comes from a disciplined pursuit of what matters, rather than a calm that comes from a focus on nothingness. The calm comes from having real boundaries, not from having a life devoid of boundaries and then pretending an hour of savasana sets you right. It might temporarily calm you down, but it is not setting you right. Used in such a way, yoga is just another of the many drugs modernity uses to distract from the root of the problem.

And Face Masks Are A Fitting Accoutrement

Again, to “pay attention” to nothing meaningful is to be distracted. To live day after day, week after week like this, is to build a practice of distraction and to live a life of distraction. Yoga makes the modern life of distraction tolerable, but is itself just really the same distraction.

Face masks are the same fitting accoutrement for a society that says “How can we get people to pay attention to distraction as much as possible?” This is to encourage frivolity in life, when seriousness about the gravity and value of life is what is really needed. Willingness or unwillingness to wear a mask has become the litmus test to seriousness on one hand and the entry pass to clown world on the other hand.

No serious person has acquiesced through 2020 and beyond. One must be fundamentally frivolous to have done so. One must be fundamentally mistaken about the value of life to wear a face mask or to mask a child. That is to say, such a person is distracted or “pays attention” to distraction.

Though said to be built upon countless centuries of study on the importance of breath, yoga facilities and yoga practitioners, are almost exclusively so very willing to fully support mask policies. This behavior is telling. Words can be so vain. It is through action that one’s values are revealed.

The good news is that anyone can turn over a new leaf any time he wants to. I invite you to disable the frivolous and to join me in that which matters, giving your life and the lives of those around you all the seriousness that such a realization entails.

New York Times: Masks Groom Children To Accept That which They Intuitively Know To Be Uncomfortable And Wrong 

With the realization that billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, a pedophile and sex trafficker, and his partner Ghislaine Maxwell were friends and associates to hundreds and maybe thousands of the most powerful people on the planet, the word “grooming” has taken on a new meaning in popular usage.

It is not to care fastidiously for one’s appearance, but to prepare a child for comfort in the presence of the vile. Though I am not grateful for the horrors that had to occur for me to recognize this practice and to have it thrust painfully in my face in the context of the few media sources that have spoken truthfully about the topic, I am grateful for the clarity. Observe below Danovitch encouraging the grooming of children. Danovitch writes:

“Keeping a mask on over the course of a school day involves the kind of self-control and self-regulation that many children find challenging.”

To lie to a child that a mask works to prevent the spread of a respiratory virus and then to guilt a child into doing that uncomfortable thing that the child inherently knows to be wrong is abuse. Some children are so abused that they even going so far as for the child to come to believe not their intuition as proper, but to instead believe the abuser as proper.

Encouraging a child to exhibit self-control in the face of child abuse is called grooming. Some segments of our society encourage this. It aides the abuser. It allows abusers to do more abusing. Physical abuse is a gateway for sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is a gateway for physical abuse. No abuse is good abuse.

Using a face mask, applied as Danovitch and her colleagues suggest, your child can come to love and respect their abuse and their abusers. All that need be done is to use a face mask according to public health protocols.

New York Times: Masks Groom Children To Accept Abusive And Senseless Rules 

Grooming has a far more sinister meaning, but it is a term that can also be applied to the incrementalism around other boundary-encroaching behavior. Abusers, bullies, and all forms of sociopaths like to push and withdraw, push and withdraw, push and withdraw, until a person allows his boundaries to incrementally move far beyond where a person would have allowed those boundaries to move in one fell swoop. The degenerate knows the power of incremental degeneracy to change a person. That is part of grooming. Danovitch writes:

“Younger children must inhibit the urge to pull off their mask, and older children must be mindful of when their mask is slipping down or when it’s OK to take it off.”

If you want to raise a slave or a mindless cog in the system, this approach from Danovitch is a solid one. The Molechian degeneration of the face mask is, then, perfect for you and your family. You are also then a sicko. Next time someone asks about your faith practices, be honest and say, “I worship the Canaanite God Molech.”

If you believe in good Judeo-Christian values of the individual made in the likeness of God, then this behavior of masking a child is about as sick as you can get. It grooms a child for things a child should never be groomed for. That is not your duty as a parent. Your duty is to put a fully functioning adult out into the world, capable of living life in a way that maximizes his special and unique gifts as fully as he can. Unless your child has an IQ of 43, you cannot raise that kind of adult and “groom” him to blindly obey authority. In the case of truly low functioning children, obedience is the best hope a parent has. That scenario however is an outlier, befitting a fraction of a percent of children.

No healthy parent of a healthy child must want a child to say “Yes,” to abusive or otherwise immoral authority. Children are to be taught to stand up to bad or misguided authority as early in life as possible, and to recognize and be able to say yes to good authority as early in life as possible. This is true even if that means standing against a parent in a moment in which the parent is caught in a state of hypocrisy.

God made man in his likeness. Babies too. Though her and her disciples are imperfect, something that makes the Roman Catholic Maria Montessori, so special is her recognition and cogent argument that children too, long before adulthood, are made in the likeness of God. A practically pre-verbal 18-month-old exhibits amazing values and morality if allowed to express it, and an 18-year-old can be groomed into depressing it to the point of nihilistic degeneracy. Danovitch appears to recognize this distinction and to encourage the Molechian approach.

For more on the Molechian approach, read through the plethora of Old Testament explanations of those children of Israel who went astray and worshipped Molech. Alternately, you can just read The New York Times or visit one of many mainstream churches, including the one I grew up in to learn to be a good follower of Molech.

With the careful application of a face mask at the advice of Danovitch and her colleagues, you can help to groom your child to welcome the most vile behavior into his life as if it were not only normal but desirable. When used in line with public health protocols, face masks are a useful tool for exactly that.

New York Times: Wearing A Mask Teaches Your Child To Be A Commie, A Bootlicker, A Denier Of The Scientific Method, And An Adherent To Scientism 

The scientific method is a process of hypothesizing, testing, sharing results, and retesting. It is really useful. It pays no regard to authority. It pays no regard to what is “established.” It pays so little regard to authority that even a seven-year-old can use the scientific method to upend established science. It focuses on measuring and identifying what is true as best as possible. Scientism, in contrast, is devotion to that which you are told is the correct narrative from the correct authority. It is a perversion of the scientific method that resembles the scientific method in name alone. Because of its obedience to deceit, it is an approximate antonym of the scientific method, which tends to require an obedience to measurable truth. Danovitch writes:

“Perhaps most important, wearing masks during a pandemic is an opportunity for even young children to practice caring for their community.” 

As if children going through school needed another influence from the school system to abandon their own pursuits and to subject themselves to the borg, the masks provide one more extremely useful tool for this. Mask wearing is not sacrifice for the good of others. Mask wearing is sacrifice of your sense of reason and decency at the altar of authority. This is called scientism.

Those who practice scientism love to manipulatively throw around these words that work such as “pandemic,” “caring,” and “community.” The ability to use such persuasive sounding words makes their sentiments no more true. It does, however, make their lies more difficult to spot.

When one combines this manipulative practice with the theories of public health, one arrives at the sub-segment of public health called “public health motivation theory.” Public health motivation theory is the study and practice of getting a patient or other individual to voluntarily forego informed consent and to be lulled into a state of acceptance by being presented with the right words, deceitfully used.

Rudyard Kipling uncharitably described this behavior in a piece of writing from the 1890s, that predates public health motivation theory, but does not predate the behavior of twisting words in such a way that causes them to be used as their opposite, which again, is also known as lying. Kipling commented about this common human scenario:

“to hear the truth…twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools.”

I do not consider all who fall for such lies to be fools, but that may only be out of ignorance for what the word “fool” really means. Kipling lived in a time that generally demanded high standards of individuals. We live in a time that demands high standards of individuals who want to make it through this era without having their children’s minds rewired.

With the aid of a face mask, diligently applied, according to the advice of Danovitch and her colleagues, you can teach your child to acquiesce to all the worst aspects of modern life and to exhibit those same awful aspects himself. Used according to public health protocols, face masks are an excellent tool for that.

New York Times: Wearing A Face Mask Teaches A Child To Lie To Himself

Wearing a mask teaches a child to lie to himself and to do so in the name of charity. This, thereby, enforces the acceptance of lies for the greater good, even if such a lie is good for no one. Danovitch writes:

“During a time of anxiety and uncertainty, wearing a mask gives young children the ability to do something to help protect other people.”

Sorry. Wearing a mask does not prevent the spread of a respiratory virus. At this point, there are at least 15 randomized controlled trials that say that. No legitimate studies prove otherwise. In fact, it has been theorized that wearing a face mask more likely increases the spread of disease.

Such observations have been known for years, long before the Ides of March 2020 and were made very clearly in a May 2020 review paper from the CDC’s own peer reviewed journal of epidemiology Emerging Infectious Diseases, in a paper entitled “Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures.

Did critics of that paper call it irresponsible, since it may cause people to disobey face mask orders? Yes. Did that stop it from being true? No. A face mask order that accomplishes nothing of benefit for the wearer or for those around the wearer should be disregarded. Face masks are not just neutral for the wearer. They are harmful for the wearer.

In fact, my next book Face Masks Hurt Kids is approximately 500 pages of information, including 40 pages of cited research on how harmful the face mask is both on the wearer AND those around the wearer. That is not just a reason to disregard the bad orders. It is a reason to imprison those who implemented and enforced the bad orders and to forever remove them from any position of public trust ever.

With the help of Danovitch and her colleagues, you can use the mask to help teach your child the self-sabotaging personality flaw of lying to himself as effectively as possible. When used according to public health protocols, face masks are an excellent tool for that. Through in some smugness and some self-seriousness and you can really “rewire” a previous child into a monster.

New York Times: Mask Wearing Perverts The Very Concept Of Generosity 

Generosity is the giving of oneself for the benefit of others. Some people give when they feel like it. Sometimes they get frustrated when no one appreciates their giving. If you give a homeless man in Times Square (named for The New York Times) your half eaten 6 hour old reuben from Katz’s Deli (an amazing and massive sandwich if you have never tried one), it makes sense that he would not be too excited to receive it.

In all honesty, it is not a very generous act. You are not going to eat it. You do not want to carry it anymore, and you feel more virtuous about handing it to the homeless man than throwing it in the garbage. However, you do not have the hard-earned sense of self-examination to recognize that you are merely treating a homeless man as a garbage can, a pigeon, or a rat, and then getting a buzz off the euphoria you receive by telling yourself that you have really acted in the spirit of Christmas. Not only is it dehumanizing of you, but it is perverse to then call such a thing generosity.

If this comes after spending $368.95 to see a show, this behavior is perhaps even further questionable. Danovitch writes:

By age 7, for example, children believe that it feels good to make sacrifices on behalf of others in need. Stressing that the discomfort and inconvenience of mask wearing are forms of generosity and public service might motivate children to address other social problems in their lives, like bullying.”

Not only does she twist the concept of generosity, Danovitch’s version of public service is fascinating — that which helps no one, but which you tell yourself is very helpful to them. That definition would explain a lot about the behavior of public servants through 2020 and beyond. It would also help to explain how the more disconnected a politician becomes, the more generous he convinces himself he is being. By ignoring the recipient of such largess, one makes it difficult to actually determine if such behavior is actually largess. Rape, theft, and slavery can also be deemed generous by the perpetrators of those crimes, I guess. Clear-minded individuals on that topic would beg to differ.

Danovitch, having proverbially spent $368.95 on a Broadway ticket, does not understand why it is not very generous to give the proverbial homeless man the proverbial six-hour-old sandwich that is no longer fit for human consumption. With the targeted application of face masks policies, your child too can be so disconnected.

When used strictly according to public health protocols, face masks are an excellent tool for that.

Now What Are You Going To Do About It? 

Recognizing all of that, the question then becomes — “How do I stop wearing a mask?” You do not just need to stop wearing one mostly, or to start wearing one disobediently with your nose sticking out, or with pithy or derogatory phrases on the outside. You need to stop wearing one in each and every situation and to stop your children from ever being put in one.

Resources Made Exactly For You & Others Like You Wrestling With This Topic 

I have written a book on this topic Face Masks in One Lesson. In the first ten minutes of reading, it gives you everything you need to know about how to never wear a face mask again, yet still live a normal life. The book then spends the next 300 pages elaborating on that process in almost any situation you can think of. Making that purchase, or any purchase, through the Amazon link above allows a portion of the proceeds of that purchase to go to through a referral fee, which helps to fund the operation of this wonderful website.

My writing also elaborates on how to never wear a mask again, and is available free of charge. Just start from around the time of the April 3, 2020, CDC announcement of the mask recommendation and work your way forward for a whole host of information on the topic.

Also, I have a high quality set of trainings and videos that I send out to those who sign up for my email newsletter at ( These resources are meant to give you ways to maneuver through society unmasked and with the ease of a VIP. That is exactly what some people need help with. However, these videos are also meant to help provide an extra dose of courage, which is what I find most people really need a little extra encouragement with. If you or your loved ones are still wearing a face mask for any reason, I would like to invite you to avail yourself of these resources.

No one should be wearing a mask. Face mask wearing is simply harmful to you and those around you. It is bad for you. It is especially bad for the sick. It is especially bad for the elderly. It is especially bad for children. That is what the best science of the last two years shows, and that is the direction that we must push the narrative around masks — the direction of the truth. Masks harm you. The harm may even be irreversible. So, stop feeding into the lie by wearing one or by allowing one to be worn around you.

The post The New York Times Explains That Mask Wearing Helps To ‘Rewire’ Children appeared first on LewRockwell.

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