MAGA Goes Full WWE, Biden Withdraws

I’ve been doing a lot of talking about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. The fact that most of those I’ve discussed this with are dubious that there was a legitimate assassination attempt ought to tell you something. Those of us who are awake know we’ve been lied to about everything. Why believe this?

I tried to watch a bit of the Republican convention last week. Don’t ask me why. Maybe I wanted to see just how big Amber Rose’s butt was. Incidentally, why was Amber Rose a speaker? Apparently her claim to fame is as a “video vixen” in hip-hop videos. Nothing says “Make America Great Again” better than that. Amber is a classic American success story, the kind George W. Bush used to extol. She began stripping at age fifteen. Both RINOs and MAGA people love entrepreneurs. Amber is a feminist activist who once called Trump “a fucking idiot.” So she joins all the other Never Trumpers that Trumpenstein has warmly embraced since he entered politics. She is half-naked in pretty much every available photo of her. I see her as cabinet material. She’s no more ridiculous than Trump’s one time Reality TV co-star Omarosa, who he appointed as some kind of “public liaison” in 2017.

Trumpenstein was not the only WWE Hall of Famer in attendance at the Republican convention. Hulk Hogan, arguably the most famous wrestler of all time, made a speech. In his WWE outfit. Using his WWE lingo. Hogan’s alleged reluctance to let his daughter date Black men was forgotten amid the hoopla over all the “diversity” this “White Supremacist” party was bragging about. Never forget that Trump’s approval rating among Black and Hispanic men has risen dramatically. That’s become a crucial part of the MAGA platform. Then there was Kid Rock. I don’t know, I just don’t get his act. Doesn’t seem that talented to me. Kind of a less high Snoop Dog. Like lefty John Cougar Mellencamp, he tries to portray himself as a blue collar guy. But he, like Mellencamp, actually comes from great wealth.

What “conservative” extravaganza would be complete without an excruciating version of “Proud to be American,” sung by Lee Greenwood himself? I only watched brief portions of the convention, so I’m sure I missed a loud “USA! USA!” chant or two. And the guy chosen to officially introduce Donald Trump to the fawning crowd was Dana White, head of the UFC. Where was Don King? Sure, he’s a two time convicted murderer, but at last report he “identifies” as a Republican now. I admire White’s seeming loyalty to freedom of speech, but it’s hard to take a political movement seriously when both he and Hulk Hogan are featured spokesmen. Tucker Carlson spoke, which was about the highlight as far as I could determine. Where was Alex Jones, or any other representative from the conspiracy world? No outreach there? And why was Prime Time Alex Stein kicked out for offending odious liberal Cenk Uygur?

Much focus was on Trump’s running mate, Senator J.D. Vance. I have to admit that I was favorably disposed towards Vance, from his many appearances on Tucker Carlson. He sounded pretty good to me. But then I learned about his dubious background, courtesy of John Brisson, and expounded upon by Whitney Webb. Vance has close ties to the shadowy Peter Thiel, who was a co-founder of PayPal and is worth nearly $10 billion. And he’s gay married, so he fits right into the “new normal” of MAGA/WWE conservatism. Fittingly, he financed Hulk Hogan in a lawsuit he was involved in. He also co-founded the alarming Palantir Technologies, which is concerned with “fighting terrorism,” and provides data to intelligence services like the CIA, whose venture capital arm was Palantir’s first backer. And, by the way, Vance has apparently been to the last seven Bilderberg funfests.

Vance supposedly grew up in struggling financial circumstances, raised by a single mother. Well, what politician ever claims to have grown up in a secure and wealthy household? They’ve been lying about that since Honest Abe Lincoln, whose father was actually one of the wealthiest landowners in the state. I detailed just how rare upward mobility is in politics, or any other prominent field, in Survival of the Richest. Anyway, we are told that Vance eventually wound up at Yale Law School. At last report, the yearly tuition for Yale Law School was over $71,000 a year. That would amount to over $280,000 for the full four years. It is said that Yale “offered a nearly full ride the first year.” Okay, that’s fine and dandy, but how did this son of a one time drug addicted single mother pay the rest of the more than $200,000? Maybe he worked nights at a pizza parlor. Even two pizza parlors. That’s what entrepreneurs do.

Now, you’re probably saying, “but Vance went to Yale in 2010, tuition was cheaper then.” You would have a point, but how much cheaper could it have been? Let’s say that Bidenomics has doubled the tuition rate for Yale since then. You’d still have to explain where Vance got more than $100,000 to pay his tuition. Vance went on to become a “venture capitalist.” I am extremely suspicious of any “venture capitalist,” especially those who come from alleged poverty. And then he wrote this book, Hillbilly Elegy, which was promoted like the books of mere mortals rarely are, and became a huge best-seller. As the author of ten books, I am also suspicious of any books that receive the kind of publicity Vance’s did. Netflix even made a movie out of it. I am extremely suspicious of…well, never mind. Vance is worth as much as $10.5 million.

In a curious move for a supposed White Supremacist, Vance married a woman from India. They have three kids, all with Indian names. One is little Vivek. Alex Stein tried to ask if he was named after Vivek Ramaswamy, but he was subsequently run out of the MAGA/WWE convention. I don’t why; doesn’t Alex Stein have a lot of WWE in his act? Vance’s wife is openly Hindu. Vance is, or was, a Catholic. It is unknown what religion the tykes with the Indian names are being raised in. Nick Fuentes is so upset over Vance marrying an Indian that he no longer endorses Trump. You’d think that Trump’s extreme Zionism would already have caused him to lose Fuentes’ support, but it actually took an Indian wife to do that.

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