From the Tom Woods Letter:
It’s impossible to know the exact number of falsehoods we are expected to believe, but it’s a lot.
I am therefore unlikely to go out of business.
Let’s take the Federal Reserve System. If you criticize it, you’ll be told that thanks to the Fed’s wise management of the economy we’ve had fewer and shallower recessions since it was created than we had before, and more economic stability. Do you want to return to the wildcat 19th century? Etc.
This response stops many of our people in their tracks. Who can blame them? Nobody has time to be an expert on macroeconomic trends in the 19th and 20th centuries.
So I wrote a free eBook called Our Enemy, the Fed, that lays out the real truth about the Fed, and answers this and many other arguments the Fed’s lackeys make.
Or this: you know Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are wrong, but have you got the exact facts and figures that bury their destructive ideas? Well, I do — in my free eBooks AOC Is Wrong and Bernie Sanders Is Wrong.
Or: education without the state would mean only the rich would be educated, etc. Well, I have Education Without the State, which answers that and a whole lot else.
Gun restrictions will make us safer — you know that’s wrong, but in the heat of debate could you defend yourself? Hence Your Facebook Friends Are Wrong About Guns.
Or: if we’d had “more regulation,” we wouldn’t have had the financial crisis of 2008. No one should be able to get away with that whopper. Hence my book The Deregulation Bogeyman.
There are many more.
Now here’s the experiment.
Every marketing guru tells you: when you send people to a page to opt in to get something, give them only one option.
More than one and they won’t choose at all. Or they’re at least less likely to choose.
Well, since I have a habit of doing the opposite of what everyone else does, I’m going to test this out.
I have 13 juicy eBooks, all free, all in both EPUB and PDF for easy reading, waiting for you at the link below.
The marketing world thinks you’ll go there, look at them, and choose none of them because there are too many choices — as when Robin Williams’ character in Moscow on the Hudson, overwhelmed in America by how many coffee choices there were, simply couldn’t choose; he was expecting a coffee line where the only item available would be a generic “coffee.”
I have more confidence in you, dear reader, than do the marketing gurus.
I think you’ll go there and say: a lot of these look interesting. I think I’ll start with this one.
Prove me right, my friends, and let’s make marketing history. Prove me right: (new and improved)
The post I’m Running an Experiment appeared first on LewRockwell.