Giving Power to the People is the only thing that will heal this society and world, but it won’t be easy to accomplish that goal. We have to first maximize freedom and democracy and to do that will require that we abolish the US Constitution, Zionism, Imperialism, and the Public Schools.
There is a way to open every heart including our own.
Even if we are not able to abolish the constitution right away in our lifetime, if we can abolish any of the other 3 things it will still have a dramatic healing effect on the world accordingly. However, it may take the consideration of the process of establishing a Constitutional Convention to have a new US Constitution to really change our own mindsets and worldviews to see new possibilities that give us hope for the future.
There is nothing in the US Constitution about political parties, but they emerged almost immediately after the United States government was founded in 1789. So apparently there is a need for their existence. The problem now is that Republicans and Democrats, despite their differences on other domestic issues, are in complete agreement to continue making it very difficult for third parties to be equally empowered as the 2 parties are. In the wide political spectrum from the far Left to the far Right, only 2 parties have a voice, which is not democratic or considerate.
How can we ultimately maximize freedom and democracy? We need to equally empower at least the 7 largest political parties and allow them to be proportionately represented in a unicameral federal legislature. But to adopt a unicameral federal legislature would require a constitutional convention to create a new US Constitution.
With a requirement of 7 political parties proportionately represented, a bicameral federal legislature would make it too difficult to pass new laws, amendments, and constitutions, which is why a unicameral legislature would be much better. In articles listed below under Sources, I show how a constitutional convention to completely rewrite the US Constitution could be implemented with total fairness.
There are 435 members in the current US House of Representatives based on population, and that is a good thing. But how democratic is it to even have a US Senate in which the state of Wyoming, for example, has the same number of senators as the state of California? The US Senate and the Electoral College need to be abolished if our goal is to maximize freedom and democracy.
Thomas Jefferson proposed that the nation adopt an entirely new charter every two decades. Thomas Jefferson thought we should have a new constitution with every new generation. As expressed in this article, Jefferson wrote a letter to James Madison in 1789 and stated that a constitution naturally expires at the end of 19 years. “If it be enforced longer, it is an act of force, and not of right.” I think Jefferson was very prescient on this issue, and we are long overdue for a new constitution.
Article V of the current US Constitution does not tell us how to properly abolish the US Constitution. In Article XV11 of my proposed Third Constitution of the United States (after the Articles of Confederation and the current constitution), I show how the Third Constitution can be abolished in a very fair and democratic way when the people are ready for the Fourth Constitution. The Third Constitution also makes it much easier to pass constitutional amendments. Our founding fathers purposely made it difficult to change the constitution, apparently believing that they knew what was best for future generations.
American voters today should be allowed to periodically decide if they want a constitutional convention, after being presented with proposed new constitutions and proposed methods for implementing a constitutional convention.
The 7 archetypical political parties in the United States could be described as 1) Republican, 2) Democratic, 3) Libertarian, 4) Green, 5) Socialist, 6) the Constitution Party, and 7) the Anarchists who normally don’t form political parties. Anarchists are not fond of top-down-controlled organizations like the government, the military, the police, and organized religion. They may value laws and rules based on Natural Law, but they do not value the man-made rules of authoritative rulers.
All 7 of these political archetypes deserve to be understood, but 5 of them have been almost completely ignored. If we can understand these 7 archetypes and give each one a public voice, we will increase our chances of living in an open, democratic, ever-improving, and happier society. It would be interesting to see how much these 7 archetypes correspond to the actual 7 largest national political parties in the United States.
If the American people were allowed to decide through a referendum whether they wanted to see a televised presidential debate between the 7 largest national political parties–don’t you think the majority of people would say yes. But even more important than a debate would be a 10-minute TED Talk from each party in one evening. Or at least a 3-minute read or a 1-minute summary of each one. There are probably YouTube videos on each party, but they all would have to be exactly 10 minutes or less. With a little bit of research, one could capture the dream and vision of each one. The next step would be to find a way to accurately determine what are the 7 largest national political parties in the United States. Maybe differentiating between the 7 political archetypes (instead of the 7 largest national political parties) would be most beneficial. Seek and we shall find.
Is the United States a democracy or a republic? It is said that when Benjamin Franklin left the Constitutional Convention, someone asked him if the delegates had created a monarchy or a republic, and he famously remarked, “ A republic, if you can keep it.” The United States is a constitutional federal republic.
This writer would like to have asked Benjamin Franklin why they were all so fearful of direct democracy. Why were they all so untrusting of the abilities and potential of everyday average people? There is a way to open every heart including our own.
The founding fathers were all highly educated and wealthy, and they equated direct democracy with mob rule. In fact, direct democracy is what they feared the most!
Our so-called civilization has always been controlled by elitists. Take a look at the world. Do you think they have done a good job?
The Third Constitution is also a constitutional federal republic, but it allows for a more participatory and inclusive democracy with elements of direct democracy as well. For example, new constitutional amendments and any proposed new national constitution would have to be approved by the people with a 51 percent majority before becoming ratified. It’s called a referendum.
If desired, you could even require the people to ratify every single law that the US lawmakers make! That would really freak out our Founding Fathers. Voters could just vote on proposed national laws at their local precincts or from their home computers. And it would be very important for both lawmakers and the people to know how each other thinks on every issue.
In the Third Constitution, 3 years after every presidential election, the people can vote to determine if they want a constitutional convention to create a new constitution. If the people say yes, then it would require an 8-month timeline to create a new constitution that would be completed in time for the next normally scheduled presidential election in November. This would make a smooth transition from one constitution to the next. But if the American people do not approve and ratify the document that the constitutional convention delegates drafted with a 51 percent majority, then the proposed new constitution would become null and void, and the current constitution would continue to be the official constitution.
Under the Third Constitution, there would be 7 instead of 9 Supreme Court Justices. The 7 largest national political parties would appoint a Supreme Court Justice. Supreme Court Justices could serve an unlimited number of 4-year terms if the political parties they represent continue to appoint them.
The Third Constitution would also make use of Ranked Choice Voting for the election of presidents and federal legislators.
Under the Third Constitution, as already mentioned, the 7 largest political parties would have proportionate control of the unicameral, federal legislature. But ideally there must be a way to give the 7 largest political parties proportionate control of the mainstream media as well.
The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States. The US Constitution has been in operation for 235 years since 1789. Can you imagine having the same type of washing machine for 235 years?
The Third Constitution is meant to be simple and clear so that our children can understand it and be empowered by it.
Yes, it’s true if we just followed the constitution that we now have, things would be a lot better. But it may be that maximizing freedom and democracy through a new constitution is the only way to save the planet from a nuclear holocaust or a prison-planet dictatorship (not sure which would be worse). A new constitution can create a better and happier nation and world. But then it may be that abolishing Zionism and imperialism (especially US imperialism) are the 2 most important ways to bring healing and peace to this planet.
What has been the greatest obstacle to achieving world peace since 1948? The Zionist State of Israel, supported and financed by the United States.
Today it is very unfortunate and unfair that many talking heads are saying that anyone who opposes Zionism is antisemitic, and nothing could be further from the truth. And the vast majority of the heroic student protesters are opposing Israel’s genocide in Gaza. They do not support Hamas.
Moreover, the demonstrators are not financed by Iran. Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his speech before both Houses of Congress referred to the protesters as “useful idiots of Iran.” Netanyahu received no less than 58 standing ovations, which is a tragedy in and of itself. And here is another tragedy:
God help us all.
In the Nakba which took place in 1948, 750 Palestinians were forcefully displaced from their homes and pushed into refugee camps in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and neighboring countries. The catastrophe continues today affecting more than 12 million Palestinians who still remain stateless, but a secular one-state solution for Palestine-Israel would be a lot better than a two-state solution that allows Zionism and US imperialism to continue. Zionist Israel serves as the Middle East base and headquarters for the US empire.
The Jewish Zionist State of Israel was created in 1948 in Palestine where the vast majority of people living there were Palestinians. Palestinian Arabs, Jews, and Christians got along just fine in Palestine until Zionist Jews started emerging on the scene as new immigrants. The Zionist Jews gradually and systematically took over Palestine, displacing and eliminating the existing Arab Muslims through a process of ethnic cleansing.
The Zionist Jews in Israel are treating the Palestinians in a way similar to the way the Nazis treated the Jews and other groups they wanted to liquidate. This problem is caused by generational trauma that passes on from one generation to the next. It is interesting that the lives of 12 million Arab Muslims in Palestine have been dehumanized and traumatized, and 12 million people, including 6 million Jews, were traumatized and killed during the Nazi Holocaust. Actually the whole world has been traumatized in so many different ways. Love of others and self-love can heal this planet. There is a way to open the heart of everyone including our own.
We have been lied to about so many things. Now researchers are providing empirical proof that psychedelic-assisted therapy is one of the best ways to help people who are suffering from PTSD. Actually many people now believe that if taken with the right motives and mindset in a healing and therapeutic environment, psychedelics like ayahuasca and peyote can provide deep insight and healing for everyone, if they themselves believe it can be helpful.
Mindfulness Meditation can create blissful states of love, joy, insight, rapture, and peace, and it is working in prisons through the Prison Dharma Movement. When someone met the Buddha in a forest, he asked what are you, not who are you? The Buddha apparently appeared to be like an angel or an exalted being at peace with himself and the world, and no doubt the same was true with Jesus.
Cannabis/Marijuana/Hemp is the most versatile plant on Mother Earth for industrial, medical, agricultural, and recreational purposes (some believe it is a gift from God), but the herb was outlawed in 1937 because of the corporate greed of Dupont and Hurst using flagrant yellow journalism to steal profits from others. Reading the early, classic book The Emperor Wears No Clothes: A History of Cannabis/Hemp/Marijuana convinced me many years ago that it has been a tragic loss to humanity ever since the multiple uses of the cannabis/hemp/marijuana plant became criminalized in 1937.
Today the Zionist Israeli Jews, supported and financed by the United States, are committing a genocide in Gaza that future generations will look back on the way we now look back on the Nazi Holocaust that killed 12 million people, including 6 million Jews.
Having seriously considered the best arguments for and against Zionism, I believe Zionism is evil. Contrary to what some Christians believe, I don’t believe a loving God would support Zionism. My website World Without Empire . com has several articles and videos for and against Zionism.
Regarding imperialism, the late John Pilger expresses my sentiments as stated in this article: “In my lifetime, the United States has overthrown or attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments, mostly democracies. It has interfered in democratic elections in 30 countries. It has dropped bombs on the people of 30 countries, most of them poor and defenseless. It has attempted to murder the leaders of 50 countries. It has fought to suppress liberation movements in 20 countries.” Today both Republicans and Democrats support an interventionist foreign policy, contrary to what our founding fathers advised.
The US Constitution does not say anything about implementing public schools. Considering all the current disagreements about the public schools, the best solution is just eliminate them altogether. That would be much better than the voucher plan or having more “school choice,” managed by the State. Throughout my teaching career, I advocated neighborhood control of neighborhood public schools, but now in my retirement I would say, if we want to create a more educated society in today’s world of the internet, then we need to abolish the public schools and compulsory education (Can we ever force someone to learn and develop a love for learning?).
John Taylor Gatto strongly opposed the public schools, yet he was voted New York’s best teacher-of-the-year more than once. In this video, he tells about how he discovered the “Six Purposes [or Functions] of Schooling,” as laid down in 1917. “The first is the adjustive function: Schools are to establish fixed habits of reaction to authority!” None of the 6 purposes stated that students should learn how to learn and question authority and how to inspire children to love learning. If you click on the 12-minute video link in this paragraph, you will discover that the other 5 purposes of schooling as established in 1917 are almost as appalling as the first. John Taylor Gatto’s educational philosophy is expressed in other videos listed below under Sources.
Eliminating the public schools would dramatically reduce taxes and put a greater burden on parents, but it is better to turn such matters over to the free market than to have the government get involved. If the government just gave money to parents for their children’s education with no strings attached, unscrupulous individuals could take advantage of that policy. Having loving and educated parents who love each other is the best thing a child can have. Let us explore ways to heal hearts, minds, and bodies including our own without succumbing to an unhealthy government’s agenda.
Abolishing the US Constitution, Zionism, imperialism, and the public schools are the 4 most important ways to maximize freedom and democracy.
Only empowered everyday people–not billionaires, technocrats, and oligarchs–can heal this earth. Power to the People! There is a way to open every heart including our own.
Related, previous articles I have written on these topics, and complete files of articles and videos are copied and pasted below from my website World Without Empire . com.
Why a One-State Solution Is Better than a Two-State Solution in Palestine-Israel–May 29, 2024
Christians, Muslims, and Jews for a Secular One-State Solution in Palestine-Israel–May 22, 2024
More Churches Need to Support a Secular One-State Solution in Palestine-Israel–March 7, 2024
Not All Christians and Jews Support Zionism–Articles and Videos
Israel-Hamas War–From a Pro Palestinian Perspective–Articles and Videos
Israel-Hamas War–From a Pro Israel Perspective–Articles and Videos
Geopolitics and Imperialism–Articles and Videos
U.S. Imperialism Specifically–Articles and Videos
Educational Philosophy of John Taylor Gatto–Articles and Videos
The Framers of the US Constitution Never Told Us How to Properly Abolish It–March 9, 2021
Third Constitution of the United States–July 28, 2024
The Most Democratic Way to Have a Constitutional Convention–June 21, 2019
The New Article V For This Generation–June 17, 2019
New Culture, New Constitution, New Everything–June 30, 2019
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Mark Passio . com : Government Is Slavery–1 hr, 1 min, 16 sec–June 21, 2024
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The post Giving Power to the People Is the Only Thing That Will Heal This World appeared first on LewRockwell.