Chip Manufacturing Central to WWIII

Flexing its muscles, CSIS is obsessed with all things Chips, Chip Act, and Cyber WarGames.   Simultaneously, China held a meeting with its security chiefs to prepare for “dangerous storms”.   President Xi Jinping focused specifically on the US in his remarks stating that China must modernize its security architecture and prepare for actual combat.  

Unlike the MSM in their vane of fear mongering, China is not inclined to make these sort of statements needlessly.   Recently shutting down the offices of Bain & CO as well as Mintz Group in Shanghai citing security concerns, China is waking the dragon.   Perhaps too little too late.   The US has effectively already invaded China via a vast network of defense contractors and intelligentsia that were initially believed to be installed in order to advance China’s economy.

There are over 8800 US companies operating in China.   Most are simply benign food and retail companies, but China has growing concern that it has been the victim of a contrived military operation.   And the Mafia Cartel are likely asserting their roosters for a cock fight.

Central to the agenda are Chips.   Chips that are free of hack software.

In 2018, Bloomberg announced The Big Hack with China central in ‘compromising America’s technology’.   But what if the bog of false propaganda information parlayed by the US Bloomberg’s of the world is really a reality of US hacking – not China?   Rogue Intelligence Agencies Rule.   Given our governments inability to relay anything remotely resembling Truth, why would we believe – anything?

The Pentagon has declared China, ‘the most consequential and systemic challenge’.   While Russia is labeled the greatest threat.   Unfortunately, we are slowly coming to the realization that the greatest threat to western cultures is the US Government and its prolific three letter agencies.

I would clarify that the vast majority of Citizens from these countries are wholly innocent of the atrocities and agendas being perpetrated.   The WarGame is among the governments & Shadow Cartel.   Instead of looking for ways to disarm that Gamut, the shadows ruling the US want it amped up!   The only rationale is a barrage of media propaganda aimed at US = good guy – everyone else = bad guy syndrome.

Within this odd couples montage, MicroChips are central as a power vacuum.   The US manufacturing of chips represents just 12% of global supply and the future is Chips Ahoy!

The largest microchip manufacturers in the world are ranked: Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, – then US and China.   Top importers are Hong Kong, China, US, Germany and The Netherlands.   Isolating Hong Kong and China requires wooing of Taiwan, Japan and South Korea.

Taiwan was the most controversial given its political disfunction with China.   Yet it was also the easiest to align with given the recent presidential regime change instituted by NED.

According to our very truthful media, the Prime Minister of Japan was elected as a liberal democrat but is really a conservative in disguise. Despite getting quite unfavorable reviews, Fumio Kishida was ‘somehow’ elected as Prime Minister following the assassination of  Shinzo Abe securing another western puppet state.

The alleged perpetrator of the assassination of Abe is Tetsuya Yamagami.   Yamagami reportedly ‘made’ a gun from scratch using duct tape and shot Abe over a rift Yamagami had with the Unification Church 20 years prior…   He had no prior encounters with police or employers or neighbors and was viewed as a ‘normal’ guy.   Yamagami was never a member of the Unification Church.   Sounds like a staged scapegoat.  Sounds like the JFK assassination cover.  Sounds like the CIA.

Apparently, Shinzo Abe was becoming more and more difficult to deal with under the authoritarian thumb of the Cartel in compliance with the WEF. His usefulness had expired and he became a detriment to the Cartel.

By contrast, the newly inserted Kishida is more than willing to sell Japan to the highest bidder while situating them as one of several obvious China Targets.

Right now, the US depends on Taiwan for their advanced chips for military ‘devices’.   While there was a reported glut of chips in December 2022, suddenly CSIS declared the US military deficient in January 2023.   So what’s the Beef?

“Global chip shortages have impeded the ability of DoD contractors like Lockheed Martin and Raytheon to boost production of weapons used in the Russia-Ukraine War.”~   EE TIMES.

Meaning a war effort against China is considered a 2030 Agenda goal to be achieved once the US supply of Chips accelerates.   Intel’s new global chip plant under construction in Ohio has a scheduled delivery date of 2025 – maybe.   The purpose would apparently not be for the car industry or supply chain industry but for Global War.

And CHINA is preparing.

Reprinted with permission from Helena – The Nationalist Voice.

The post Chip Manufacturing Central to WWIII appeared first on LewRockwell.

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