The International Institute For Strategic Studies, IISS, is obsessed with all things China, the Middle Power Asia and BRIC’s. WHY? Because this evolution of Global Power was not anticipated. China was supposed to be a colony of the West…
When trying to get inside the shadows that peril our world, there emerge pieces that don’t fit – anywhere. The Cabal failed the most prominent Art of War – Know Thy Enemy. And now they have nothing more than fake propaganda purging to try and incite more froth in the wave of global elections. The BRICS are winning. Russia is winning. And the only sword the Cabal can muster from its vast sheath of depleted armaments? A plastic toy Kamikaze sword.
While focused on Russia as the dominant coup target, the Mafia Cabal felt that China was already a reeled in Marlin trophy that needed no tending. But the unraveling proliferated by social media laid an overcast over all the King’s Men – and they Fell. Like domino sticks of dynamite – one by one – until there was no army left at all…
There is turmoil inside The Mafia Cartel. CIA Director Burns made an unannounced visit to China to attempt to quell the divisiveness that has manifested within our MSM. Blinken attempted to neutralize Russia with words of propaganda and no one was impressed. The number of countries offering to mediate a peace deal have been met with contempt by the West & Zelenskyy. This action/reaction is exactly why the Cartel is losing.
Each country that comes forward with a plan for peace is making note. The note is inserted in the West playbook of wars and colonization via an International Order. The playbook reveals there are no allies – only pawns. And the density of brain matter spills easily. The Playbook is like a revamped Hollywood movie – the plot is the same, the outcome is the same, but the characters have changed. Running ramshod is no longer viewed as tolerable among the vast majority of countries.
And so they move closer to the BRICS and further from The Cartel Swampland. Our intelligentsia still believes that the dollar is dominant. Still believes that Russia is losing. Still believes that pinky swear is a viable honor, and still believes that contracts are meaningless.
Where are the General Patton’s?
Argentina has requested permission to join the BRIC’s Bank. Nineteen countries have now expressed an interest in joining the BRIC’s ~ according to Bloomberg. Blinken scoffs claiming the BRIC’s are nothing more than a ragtag bunch of no-nothings – and NATO is supreme. In so saying, he is telling the Middle East and Africa they are Nothingisms… because those are the countries turning their back on the West. NOT a good Power Play!
The most recent country to offer a peace deal for Ukraine was Indonesia. Their plan was immediately trashed by Zelenskyy. If the EU decides to further embrace Zelenskyy and War, they may find themselves with three trading partners: Canada, Australia, and US.
According to IISS, a bipolar globe is not healthy, but they are willing to compromise as to its inevitability. That compromise means leaving allies behind and attempting to solidify smaller ones – like Taiwan. But our southern border has been neglected. Our allies are dispersing like geese in winter. And a different climate based on fair trade versus repression, coups, blackmail and bombing is emerging.
And still the Blinken/Kerry/Bloomberg model is stuck in second gear with no one knowing how to work a clutch. Soros has aged out and his son Alex has taken over shop class. Despite Alex being given everything to work with including our entire Government and NGO’s, he doesn’t have the acumen. Milley is retiring again. Austin is a desk jockey completely out of his classroom comfort zone, and Blinken’s shameful expose at Helsinki was cringe-worthy! “Russia’s Strategic Failure”. Clapping required.
Every military strategist goes to battle with Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C. Why? Circumstances change. Period. Be Prepared.
This basic acumen seems lost on our NATO Cartel. Bullying is instead considered Plan B. And Africa is responding with aggressive – snubs! Maduro is now in talks with Saudi Arabia – for OIL trade – not solar panels and wind turbines that are wiping out our whales and dolphins!
Colombia is laughing at the US pledge of war on Drugs – a cartel that was absorbed by the CIA. El Salvador’s President is denouncing the mass immigration to the US and attempting to turn the country around in an alliance with former President Trump. And the attempted coups continue to heave South America. Bullying.
The coup in Turkey to oust Erdogan did not fly. Belarus has warned that the NED coup makers are working in his country. The National Democrat Institute has announced its ‘assistance’ in the following 2023 upcoming elections: Mali, Montenegro, Sierra Leone, and Cote D’Ivoire. Nigeria was assigned NDI’s chosen Presidential candidate in the March election cycle with challenges and fraud being asserted.
NDI is funded by National Endowment for Democracy, USAID, UN, World Bank, western governments and The Open Society Foundation, among others. These NGO’s work in a closed circuit of funding and actionable Power Vacuums, to confer countries into the Western Bloc. IISS is a UK NGO funded by global governments, the US military industrial complex, the major oil companies, and the US State Department.
These NGO’s and their various subsidiaries serve as the “Election Observers” to assure a fair, safe and secure election – wherein the Cartel’s preferred candidate is the Chosen One. Under the Age Old design of Democracy. Democracy as it relates to the achievement of a Western Power Grid in defiance of the BRICs Trade associates.
A Democracy that is not democratic, fair, secure, or By The People. But a Democracy Based On Power to Cull Resources… Syria anyone?
Reprinted with permission from Helena-The Nationalist Voice.
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