Assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Lee H. Oswald

I think the facts of the assassination of President Kennedy are really very clear.  It takes only time, persistence and attention to detail, a careful perusal of the Warren Commission testimonies of key persons, the Zapruder Film (especially), together with the five or six videos of the assassination of Lee Harvey Oswald that exist.  Then all should eventually come into focus clearly.  Needless to say, we can come to a more complete knowledge of the facts behind this 1963 crime from more use of these same sources.  At some point, anyone who comes to a clear and real understanding will have surpassed the “experts” who claim to understand much but have not understood the details.  The information available is abundant, more than enough to understand.

Where should one start?  No shots came from the grassy knoll.  Gov. John Connally and Senator Ralph Yarorough, who was two cars behind the president’s limousine, recognized the rifle sounds immediately.  The driver of the President’s limousine and the top agent next to him doubted that it was a rifle sound.  They thought it also sounded like a motorcycle backfire.  Nobody from the Warren Commission asked the driver, William Greer, why he lowered the speed of the limousine after he heard the shots.  Yarborough wrote in his affidavit to the Commission that the motorcade came to what seemed either a complete or almost a complete stop, that it accelerated only after the last shot had been fired, emphasizing this point.  Both Connally and Yarborough said that the three shots they heard came from behind them and to the right.  Mrs. Lady Bird Johnson was sitting in between her husband and Sen. Yarborough, and she also told the Commission that she heard three shots which originated from behind and to the right.  She showed more presence of mind in this than her husband, Lyndon Johnson, who wrote in his Statement to the Commission that he didn’t know how many shots were fired or where they came from.

Regarding the notion of shots originating from the grassy knoll location, it’s illogical to say some shot came from there while also saying Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy.  A “patsy” is supposed to take the place of an actual perpetrator, meaning any shots must come from where the patsy is at, or close to him.  However, the testimonies of Yarborough and Connally in this regard should be enough. Both said they were well-familiar with rifle sounds.  In harmony with what they affirmed, one concludes the shots came from the TSBD building or from the building across the street yet on the same side as the TSBD building.  Those two buildings best fit the description ‘from behind and to the right’.

Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy’s testimony before the Commission is very important due to her close position with the best view of President Kennedy, and it caused me to reconsider the Zapruder film.  She could not remember climbing on top of the car nor the third shot.  The first loud shot which was heard and recognized well by Connally and Yarborough was to her the second shot.  Why so?  Earlier, she testified that she saw a piece of his skull.  She testified precisely the following:  “And just as I turned and looked at him, I could see a piece of his skull and I remember it was flesh colored.  I remember thinking he just looked as if he had a slight headache.  And I just remember seeing that. No blood or anything.”  Okay, this account where he looked as if he had a slight headache cannot be about the first loud shot that caused Kennedy to raise both hands close to his throat.  Looking at the Zapruder film again with her account in view, one notices her eyes did become fixated on her husband just before the limousine disappeared from our view – behind the sign – and that she did not stop looking in the direction of her husband until she was distracted by the Governor’s reaction to the first loud shot, which Connally always insisted hit the President only.  She said to the Commission:about the first loud shot all heard:  “I heard Governor Connally yelling and that made me turn around, and as I turned to the right my husband was doing this [indicating with hand at neck].  He was receiving a bullet.  And those are the only two I remember.  And I read there was a third shot.  But I don’t know.  Just those two.”  Just those two, let’s remember that.  The note in brackets is from the Commission.  The words “that made me turn around” mean from continuing to look at the President (as is seen in the Zapruder film).  Notice that the words “he was receiving a bullet” in no way refer to her earlier description about seeing “a piece of his skull” and/or to him looking as if he had a “headache”.  She then stated:  “…there were pictures later on of me climbing out the back.  But I don’t remember that at all.” She had a shocked memory of the terrible event, yes, but real too.  There is no reason to ignore her account.  It has to be checked with the Zapruder film.  Even independently from what she said about first noticing “a piece of his skull”, an observer will reckon it’s likely that the first shot would have been aimed at the head, so I watched the film again paying attention to her account to see if the Zapruder film supports it.  When Pres. Kennedy emerges into view (after the sign), there are already signs that he may have been shot not once but twice prior to reappearing into our view.

To be clear on this, I understand five shots were fired based on the Zapruder film and witness testimonies.  I believe there’s something like a 99.99% chance that the President was hit in the head just prior to disappearing from view behind the traffic sign, a shot whose effect only Mrs. Kennedy saw, an unheard shot that came from a silenced rifle.  We know the second shot, heard by all, happened while his face was still hidden from our view by the traffic sign.  There was definitely a third shot, which we see happened about a second or less after the first loud shot ‘everybody’ heard.  This third shot convulsed his upper body and it undoubtedly happened after the loud shot which caused both of the President’s hands to reach close to his neck. This unheard third shot, which to my knowledge has gone unnoticed, definitely came from a silenced rifle.  I believe this third shot also hit the extended right wrist of Governor Connally.  This can be noticed in the Zapruder film and it confirms this third shot, too.  Thus, I believe the fourth (second loud) shot hit Governor Connally in his back and then hit only his left thigh when it exited his chest.  Then came the fifth and final shot that made the right side of the President’s face explode.  (I link below, in the end, the Zapruder film I used where this can be observed well.)  Notice that when the president reemerges into view, his right hand is still in a high position and almost at the same angle in which it disappeared from our view behind the sign, indicating, possibly, a loss of motor control from a shot nobody heard but whose effect she described.  Watch closely just before his head disappears behind the sign.  And when you see both of his hands raised close to his throat, notice that it was only his left hand which was lifted from waist level, because his right hand had remained raised up there, very possibly as the effect of a first – silenced – rifle shot.  His right hand basically reappears to our sight in the same place and angle as when it disappeared from our sight.

To recapitulate, the loud first shot occurred when we still could not see his face because of the sign.  When his face appears fully into view, both hands are seen moving close to his neck. The subsequent, very visible third shot which convulsed his upper body came definitely from a silenced rifle because no one heard that shot.  Rifles with silencers existed in 1963. They were used by snipers in WWII.

I must thus explain the bullet that hit the right wrist of Governor Connally.  I added a speed of 2.5 to the slow motion Zapruder film linked below.  Notice (later, hopefully) that when the Governor heard the first audible shot and before getting hit himself, he lifted his right fist from below – you can see his closed right fist.  Note that his body shifted abruptly/violently towards the left at the same time that the president’s upper body was convulsed by the third shot (silenced rifle shot).  To be more specific, it was the right, visible fist of Connally which moved abruptly towards the left and his body with  it, after his wrist was hit by the same third shot that convulsed the upper back of the President.  Even after the Governor was subsequently hit by a bullet in his back, he didn’t know a bullet had hit his wrist before; Connally said he found this out at the hospital on Sunday.

Now, the trajectory of the bullet that hit Connally in the back becomes clear:  He had shifted to the right to look at Pres. Kennedy and when he was returning to his original position with the idea of turning back from his left side, another bullet (fourth bullet) hit him, entering close to his right armpit and exiting two inches below his right nipple and to the left.  When turning in a car seat like he did, the left leg is naturally moved to the right also so as to make the turn better – more easily – and that’s how that bullet landed in his left thigh.  The original one-bullet theory of the Commission was contradicted by both John and Nelly Connally.  That theory said a bullet bounced from Connally’s rib, which explained how from there it hit his right wrist, and then how it hit his left thigh could not really be explained.  See the problem that happened from missing a shot clearly seen on film.  Later, Senator Specter said that “some facts are stranger than fiction”, but it was a theory contradicted by people in the presidential car and by closer observation of the Zapruder film.

In conclusion, all the above means that Oswald was indeed a patsy (100% percent so), for otherwise he would be someone who by coincidence was also trying to perpetrate the same crime with his own rifle and at the same time!  The certain use of a rifle with a silencer has clear implications.  It means that there were apparently more than three shooters and certainly that no less than three shooters did it: The one with the silenced rifle, the other one that fired the loud shot which made both hands reach toward his throat, and the one that fired the last shot which blew up the right side of his face.

Big and similarly ascertainable facts can be established with certainty about what happened at the City Jail in Dallas, where Lee Harvey Oswald was killed.  I will try to be concise.  It’s hard not to pay special attention to Oswald as you read about what happened there, because you see him on video saying he is innocent and asking repeatedly for a lawyer to be provided to him.  During the midnight “showup” for reporters held at about 12:10 AM, Saturday, Oswald reiterated that he didn’t have access to a lawyer:  “I do request someone to come forth to give me a legal assistance”, he said then.  A reporter asked him, “Did you kill the President?”  Oswald replied:  “No, I have not been charged with that.  In fact, nobody has said that to me yet.  First thing I heard about it was when the newspaper reporters in the hall asked me that question.”  Captain Fritz, of the Dallas Police Department, led all the interrogations of Oswald.  There’s thankfully no need to confront his account before the Commission with what Oswald said about not being interrogated regarding the President’s murder.  Fritz described in detail to the Commission the interrogations of Oswald that were held on that Friday.  He did not say anything about asking Oswald if he killed the President, so Oswald told the truth about no one speaking to him about it, and right in front of his captors.  Fritz was not even asked by the Commission about this question, i.e., “did you ask him if he killed the President?”  Only on Saturday did Fritz bring this accusation forward to Oswald, but Oswald had already been arraigned for the murder of President Kennedy earlier that day, at 1:30 AM, little over an hour after the “midnight” presentation for newsmen.  The Dallas Police Chief, Jesse Curry, was present during this arraignment, and he quotes in the “JFK Assassination File” that he published in 1969, Oswald’s reaction after this second, bigger charge was read to him:  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. What’s the idea of this. What are you doing this for.”  Can you imagine being charged with that high crime when during the whole day, with many interrogations, nobody mentioned it to you?   You might react with similar words.  Oswald behaved in a dignified way during this ordeal, showing good manners while saying he was innocent rather than the “arrogance” they accused him of a lot.  Curry said that he behaved arrogantly in the midnight presentation, but we see he did not.

There are five or six films of the killing of Oswald.  Jack Rubinstein is supposed to have loved President Kennedy because he indicated so…He had no reason to.  Kennedy was “not a friend” (emphasis mine).  We see in the networks’ films that the man who shot Oswald is not at all Jack Rubinstein, meaning that Jack Rubinstein agreed to this arrangement, that is, for a surrogate to do it.  Who can’t tell it’s a different person, more stocky, with an entirely different profile and more hair too (there’s a film frame of him inside that melee where you see his head without the hat from about a 45 degree angle)?  Anyone can imagine why it would be agreed that someone else would literally do it:  “I can do it.” “No, you can miss.”  Had the case gone to court, Oswald would have been acquitted.  Nineteen year old Buell Frazier drove Oswald to Dallas that Friday morning and he told the Commission – more than once – that the little package Oswald had under his armpit and cupped in his hand was shorter than the folded rifle the Commission showed him for comparison.  If its end was cupped with one hand, the butt of the rifle went about 8 inches over his armpit.  A lawyer could have said, “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.”  Sergeant Patrick T. Dean was present in the first interview-interrogation of Rubinstein.  He wrote a report about it for Chief Curry (also in Curry’s “JKF Assassination File”).  He informed that the interview happened “approximately five to ten minutes after the shooting of Oswald”.  I quote from Dean’s report the two reasons Rubinstein gave for killing Oswald:  “and that with the facts of the incidents already known to him was the motivation for his shooting Oswald” – the first reason cited.  “Ruby then stated some words to the effect, ‘I also want the world to know that Jews do have guts’” – the second reason.

Rubinstein was present in Oswald’s midnight showup; he described his presence there to the Warren Commission, which presence was also confirmed by the District Attorney Henry Wade, and by reporters also.  Rubinstein confided to the Commission that he had not cared if Oswald was innocent or not.  He stated that all he cared about was that they had “the prisoner”.  I quote now from his testimony to the Commission so you can appreciate directly that Rubinstein did not care whether Oswald killed the President or not, an admission from him that is in harmony with not being the shooter who killed Oswald supposedly because he loved Kennedy so.  Rubinstein (the quote’s poor sentence structure is in the transcript):  “From the way he stated, he [District Attorney Henry Wade] let the reporters know that this was the guilty one that committed the crime.  He specifically stated that in that room, that he was the one.  It didn’t have any effect in my mind, because whether the person had come out, whether he come out openly and publicly stated didn’t have any bearing in my mind, because I wasn’t interested in anything.  All I knew, they had the prisoner. But the reporters like to know where they stand, ‘is he the one?’”

Another important point regarding Oswald’s murder should be mentioned:  In the films, Oswald is taken back inside through the same door he came out from.  This does not happen with “Jack Ruby”.  He is carried toward the right on the sidewalk and is carried inside the Police building through a side door facing the street.  Later you see Jack Ruby indeed entering through a door on the right into the room where Lee Harvey Oswald is on the floor with agents standing around him, and you see how Ruby is taken across this large room while he looks only straight ahead and down, and the TV reporter informs that he’s the person who shot Oswald.

Finally, I would like to share the affidavit account that Senator Yarborough wrote for the Warren Commission.  I quote it extensively because it was a very good witness testimony:

“A rifle shot was heard by me; a loud blast, close by.”  “When the noise of the shot was heard, the motorcade slowed to what seemed to me a complete stop (though it could have been a near stop).”  “After the third shot was fired, but only after the third shot was fired, the cavalcade speeded up, gained speed rapidly, and roared away to the Parkland hospital.”  “I heard three shots and no more.  All seemed to come from my right rear.  I saw people fall to the ground on the embankment to our right, at about the time of or after the second shot, but before the cavalcade started up and raced away.”  “Due to the second car, with the secret service men standing on steps on the sides of it, I could not see what was happening in the presidential car during the shooting itself.  Some of the Secret Service men looked backward and to the right, in the general direction from which the rifle explosions seemed to come.  After the shooting, one of the secret Service Service men sitting down in the car in front of us pulled out an automatic rifle or weapon and looked backward.  However, all of the secret service men seemed to me to respond very slowly, with no more than a puzzled look.  In fact, until the automatic weapon was uncovered, I had been lulled into a sense of false hope for the president’s safety, by the lack of motion, excitement, or apparent visible knowledge by the secret service men, that anything so dreadful was happening.  Knowing of the training that combat infantrymen and marines receive, I am amazed at the lack of instantaneous response by the secret service, when the rifle fire began.  I make this statement in this paragraph reluctantly, not to add to the anguish of anyone, but it is my firm opinion, and I write it out in the hope that it might be of service in the better protection of our presidents in the future.  After we went under the under pass, on the upward slope I could see over the heads of the occupants of the second car (secret service car) and could see an agent lying across the back or trunk of the presidential car, with his feet to the right side of the car, his head at the left side.  He beat the back of the car with one hand, his face contorted by grief, anguish, and despair, and I knew from that instant that some terrible loss had been suffered.  On arrival at the hospital, I told newsmen that three rifle shots had been fired.  There was then no doubt in my mind that the shots were rifle shots, and I had neither then or now any doubts that any other shots were fired.  In my opinion only three shots were fired.”  – July 10, 1964       .

Zapruder film link: Assassinat de John F. Kennedy – YouTube

The post Assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Lee H. Oswald appeared first on LewRockwell.

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