American Resistance Movements Emerging To Deter W.H.O. ‘Soft Coup’

“We know our country has been temporarily taken over by domestic and foreign enemies, power hungry war criminals are calling the shots right now, but there are many heroes among us, but you didn’t think our military vets and those who refused the shots were just going to sit back and watch did you?” – Jane Ruby, new media resistance leader- Our Country-Our Choice Movement

“Ban the jab” – Dr. Peter Breggin, MD, National American Renaissance Movement

Not one of the current conservative presidential candidates nor elected conservative representatives have demonstrated leadership even when in office needed to overcome the inaction of federal agencies and congressional committees who:

* Failed to charge those elitist oligarchs and traitorous corporations with racketeering who are funding arsonists and vandals who continue to destroy the center of major American cities, funding the mutilation of autistic adults and children in the name of gender equity, and medically pushing opioids on the public.

* Failed to pursue why Anthony Fauci (former head NIAID) and Rochelle Wilensky (former head CDC) are not even under investigation for perjury much less indictment for pushing mandated deadly experimental injections and overkill hospitalization protocols foisted on the American people.

* Failed to arrest and detain FBI (FB-Lie) officials who lied to congress about Chinese and Israeli foreign influence (Elvis Chan, Jim Baker, Joseph Di Pietro, Brian Auten) according to Col. Ivan Raiklin.
* Failed to stop the adoption of new Emergency Use Authorizations (EUA’s) (May 2023) for dangerous, untested drug substances and medical protocols that skip human subject review boards or oversight and will facilitate involuntary treatments, such as (monoclonal antibody drugs Gohibic and Vilobelimab) in the event of mechanical ventilation or oxygenation to treat COVID-19 patients in hospitals.  The DHA, HHS, FDA, and DOD have all collaborated to bring this about with no check by congress.

In response to the above egregious failures to protect the American people over the past three years, organizations are starting to form to push back against medical, criminal, and treasonous actions of federal agencies, renegade state governments, rogue intelligence agencies and unaccountable regulatory agencies, working together with unelected medical entities such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and Center for Disease Control (CDC).  Their strategy is to fight at the state and local level since congress has failed to stop treasonous crimes, insurrections, and crimes against humanity.

Your Country-Your Choice – YCYD is an emerging grass roots organization to restore the military to readiness, stop human trafficking, and protect against existential threats to our country and way of life.   This organization is being formed by former military officers such as Col. Douglas MacGregor and Col. Ivan Raiklin among many others. Col. Raiklin attributes Internet TV host and drug approval expert Jane Ruby for inspiring their movement three years ago.  Col. Railkin points out that legacy Americans only control 20 percent of one branch of the federal government as 99 percent of the Senate and 80 percent of the House of Representatives vote “China First” policies. As Congress is mostly a lost cause, YCYC is first undertaking activities at the local level while ultimately trying to increase political power in Congress.

National American Renaissance Movement (National ARM) Ban the Jab Forum – a national forum to galvanize grand juries, attorney generals, district attorneys and county prosecutors, and sheriffs to halt illegal and oppressive lockdowns, human rights violations such as denial of right of assembly, and injection mandates. Their goal is to get states and local courts to prosecute crimes including racketeering and corporate crimes, treason, wrongful imprisonment, refusal of due process, genocide, crimes against humanity, and violations of the Nuremberg Code. National ARM has prepared an 82-page legal brief of evidence, including 149 exhibits of 15 crimes committed and identification of persons of interest including Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab. They will be submitting evidence of crimes to every state and county in the U.S. and are currently active in New Jersey, Florida, Texas and Idaho. NARM leadership includes David Meiswinkle, a New Jersey criminal defense attorney, Dr. Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD, pathologist, Peter Breggin, psychiatrist (author of book COVID-19 and Global Predators) and Francis Boyle, noted professor of international law. Another one of the objectives of the National ARM is to pry medieval-like cancer treatment from Big Pharma and Rockefeller medicine of surgery and chemotherapy with a puny 1% cure rate for Stage 4 cancer away and replace it with harmless full cures for cancer.

Curiously, there has been no movement to yet establish non-digital local savings and loan banks that keep paper only records as was done before the invention of computers and the internet, so that banks cannot be used exert social control over its depositors. Essentially, this would entail returning to exclusively using checks to withdraw funds from accounts.  S&L’s were destroyed by the planned failure of 747 S&L’s in the 1980’s under the rubric of deregulation. Deregulation allowed banks to fund the political campaigns of congressmen which ended up corrupting the entire system.  With the coming of digitized Environmental, Social Governance (ESG) of bank accounts, a market demand would emerge for a return to privatized paper only banking.  In Los Angeles there already is political movement to ban businesses from going cash free.

W.H.O.’s Planned “Soft Coup”

This groundswell of resistance movements could not come at a better time given the abject failure of the US federal government to protect its citizens.  The World Health Organization has recently announced they are initiating a “soft coup” that will ignore existing human rights laws to accomplish pandemic preparedness and biosecurity.  WHO is preparing pandemic treaties to usurp national sovereignty of nations and will “remove human rights protections, enforce surveillance and censorship, get rid of freedom of speech and require governments to censure and use only a single narrative”.  Other amendments include “enforceable edicts, liability shields, getting rid of all intellectual property rights, enforcing digital passports and exerting unilateral power to declare a pandemic that all countries will have to obey”.  This will allow the WHO to take over every single nation in the world.

TAGS: Your Country-Your Choice, National American Renaissance Movement, resistance movements, Col. Douglas MacGregor, Col. Ivan Raiklin, David Meiswinkle, Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Dr. Peter Breggin, Francis Boyle, World Health Organization soft coup.

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