America Is a Slave State: All the Rest of You Are the Enslaved

“Today we live so cowed under the bombardment of this intellectual artillery that hardly anyone can attain to the inward detachment that is required for a clear view of the monstrous drama. The will-to-power operating under a pure democratic disguise has finished off its masterpiece so well that the object’s sense of freedom is actually flattered by the most thorough-going enslavement that has ever existed.”

~ Oswald Spengler

The attitudes and accepted behavioral obedience practiced by Americans are indicative of a most pathetic culture of enslaved serfs, which has led directly to a captured society consumed by the need to fit into a paradigm based on worship of the state. This of course is mass nationalist collectivism at its worst. Nothing could be more detrimental to the idea of freedom; something that was lost before it even began. The so-called ‘founders replaced a despotic Monarch with a despotic oligarchical ruling system, which did nothing more than greatly enhance the power of the State. Regardless of the false rhetoric that this is a “representative republic” based on freedom, it is simply a controlled and domineering ‘democracy’ by another name; the first step toward a socialistic system by tyrannical means.

This country’s ruling class based its control mechanisms on the completely bogus delegation of powers of one over another; but no one has any right to delegate powers it does not have, and never had in the first place, This system is not flawed, it is asinine and totalitarian. The linchpin of this insanity is the most stupid system of voting, a system sold to the non-thinking masses as a way for them to ‘believe’ that they are in control, when it is nothing but a ruse meant to cater to fools. If no individual has a right to arbitrarily rule over and own another, then no person or persons have any right to delegate that rule by some fraud called voting. If an individual has not the right to rule and control his neighbor, then no group calling itself government has that right. The entirety of the political process is a complete fraud.

Since minute one, the courts, actually the entire judicial system, the entire legislature, and all government in general, have been completely corrupt and fraudulent; meant but for one purpose only, and that was (and is) to abandon natural law in favor of a top down domination structure where the few could control the many. Therefore, all those who pretend to be anti-state, who say they believe in freedom at the hands of government, who promote a ‘better’ or ‘limited’ government, who believe that a constitution, any constitution, is worth the paper on which it is written, and any who believe getting ‘better’ masters in charge will bring liberty, are either totally ignorant, totally incompetent, stupid beyond words, or evil in that they pretend that rule can be benevolent. This has never been, and will never be, regardless of the absurd rhetoric spewed by those pretenders who claim freedom as their objective while promoting this heinous system called the State.

Government in every aspect of its being is heinous, evil, criminal, and illegitimate, and has no right to claim any authority over any individual, and therefore, has no right to claim authority at all. The edicts of all arbitrary laws, all laws that are not natural, all laws that suppose to create and enforce rule by one or many over another, in fact, all laws generated by the State, are illegitimate and forever harmful to liberty. Any structure called a ‘legal’ system, if that term held any use whatsoever, would be illegal. All laws, each and every one, that do not adhere only to the natural laws of man, should be immediately rendered null and void, for no law made by man or government outside that of natural law, is valid. In fact, no court, ‘supreme’ or not, no congress, no government, and no so-called constitution, has any say in the matter whatsoever when any decree is created outside the natural laws of man.

Therefore, any acceptance, especially by the majority of this indoctrinated population who inhabit this country, of any government and any unjust laws, which are all laws not consistent with the laws of nature, are the basis and impetus of our mass slavery, which is exactly what we live under in this ‘country’ today. In fact, other than the self-appointed rich elite, the “ruling class,” all others are slaves to this completely illegitimate system. You, most all of you, have allowed this rule to exist, and only you can change the hell we now face. If you believe that changing masters by voting is the way out of this totalitarian nightmare, you are the problem, and have literally given up any freedom you think you deserve.

Consider that every aspect of your lives is controlled, that everything you earn and supposedly possess is not yours, but considered the property of the government, that you are surveilled twenty four hours a day, that you have to have (and pay for) nearly every single thing you do in the form of licenses (government permission slips), that the government and its enforcers violently steal as much of your earnings and profit as they desire in the form of taxes, that you are not allowed to conduct any business without the ‘approval’ of the government, that you are not allowed to move about or travel without government papers, that this government practices the act of poisoning virtually every living thing constantly, that you are not allowed to eat many of the natural foods you choose, and that you are not allowed to medicate yourself as you wish. What this boils down to is that you are told you have no right to do anything unless government allows it. You are restricted in a million ways, your property stolen, the economy decimated, your currency devalued, subject to constant aggressive war, and your life threatened, but you have no right to do any of these things that government claims to have a right to do to you.

You my friend are a slave, and this government you allow to exist is your master.

“A man’s natural rights are his own, against the whole world; and any infringement of them is equally a crime, whether committed by one man, or by millions; whether committed by one man, calling himself a robber, (or by any other name indicating his true character,) or by millions, calling themselves a government.”

~ Lysander Spooner

The post America Is a Slave State: All the Rest of You Are the Enslaved appeared first on LewRockwell.

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