Adam Schiff, the Persecution, Black-listing and Criminalization of Anti-Over-Vaccination Activists, and the Nazi Book-Burnings of 1933

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and you can fool all of the people some of the time; but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” — Attributed to Abraham Lincoln

“The ‘Vaccines Save Lives’ initiative trumpets the lie that vaccines are 100% safe and 100% effective. The lead liars are Representatives Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Charlie Dent (R-Penn.), Thomas Marino (R-Penn.) and Peter Welch (D-Vt.), who introduced the resolution which “affirms [that] vaccines and immunizations save lives and are essential to maintain the public health, economic and national security of the people of the United States.” The only health maintained by vaccines is the financial health of vaccine profiteers like Merck, GlaxoSmithKline and other Big Pharma giants, along with vaccine cheerleaders covering fraud at the CDC and then moving to work for Merck, people like Dr Julie Gerberding. “ – Quote Source.

“Freedom of the press…died on the night of Jan. 30, 1933, when Adolf Hitler took the government of Germany into his authoritarian hands.” — Louis Lochner, member of the Berlin press corps during the Nazi era

“In this act of book-burning, the age of extreme intellectualism has now ended.” – Paraphrasing Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, May 10, 1933

“Where they burn books, they will also ultimately burn people.” – Heinrich Heine

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It is simply too painful to acknowledge — even to ourselves — that we’ve been fooled.” — Carl Sagan, The Fine Art of Baloney Detection (February 1, 1987)

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.” — Mark Twain

“Whoever pays the piper, calls the tune.” – Ancient Proverb

“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” – Socrates

“Due to the recently affirmed reality of vaccine virus shedding after live virus vaccinations, the child that has been recently vaccinated with a live measles virus vaccine may be more dangerous to susceptible children than the well-child that is unvaccinated!” – National Vaccine Information Center

“The corporation is a true Frankenstein’s monster – an artificial person run amok, responsible only to its own soulless self…representing capitalism at its very purest, completely unconcerned with anything save profit and power.” – William Dugger, author of “Corporate Hegemony“The corporation is a true Frankenstein’s monster – an artificial person run amok, responsible only to its own soulless self…representing capitalism at its very purest, completely unconcerned with anything save profit and power.” – William Dugger, author of “Corporate Hegemony”

“Corporations (especially the pharmaceutical/vaccine corporations) should not be involved in any aspect of the democratic process. They should not be involved in education at any level. Corporations should not be involved in health care. Corporations should not be involved in the administration of social services. Corporations should not be involved in the administration of justice. WHY? Because they are incapable of understanding and conforming to higher human aspirations and needs. Better to leave these areas to government and to non-profit organizations, both of which are administered by humans in the human interest…The corporation is sociopathic in its disregard for human goals and values; in fact its behavior fits the World Health Organization’s criteria for defining the psychopath.” – Wade Rowland, author of Greed, Inc. Why Corporations Rule the World. (Roland’s book was written 5 years before the 2010 US Supreme Court’s Citizen’s United ruling that gave greedy, super-wealthy, sociopathic corporations the same rights as normal citizens with regard to spending unlimited amounts of money on election campaigns.)

“The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical (and vaccine) industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.”Arnold Seymour Relman, MD (1923-2014), Harvard Professor of Medicine and former Editor-in-Chief of the New England Journal of Medicine

“Mainstream media has sold out (to the pharmaceutical/vaccine industries)…I sat once with Sharyl Attkisson, one of this country’s greatest journalists, working for CBS. And she said to me, ‘Andy, when we finish this interview, I will get a call from the top floor, from the money men, and they will say, that interview does not go out, because I’ve had a call from our pharmaceutical industry sponsors, and if it goes out, then they are going to pull their sponsorship.’ And that is why she left CBS.”Andrew Wakefield, MD (Wakefield was one of the first victims of Big Pharma’s wrath [specifically GlaxoSmithKline’s], propaganda (orchestrated by Rupert Murdoch’s Media Empire) and persecution (by the Big Pharma-colluding medical industries (including the British Medical Journal) because his medical team proved that a commonly-prescribed and highly profitable vaccine (MMR which contains live viruses) was capable of causing chronic illnesses [chronic vaccine-induced viral colitis and neurological disabilities].

“I ate breakfast last week with the president of a network news division and he told me that during non-election years, 70% of the advertising revenues for his news division come from pharmaceutical ads. And if you go on TV any night and watch the network news, you’ll see they become just a vehicle for selling pharmaceuticals. He also told me that he would fire a host who brought onto his station a guest who lost him a pharmaceutical account.”Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – See more here.

How to explain California US House of Representative (and Chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence) Adam Schiff’s March 1, 2019 demand that Jeff Bezos and his highly profitable book-selling and video-selling website delete (figuratively “burn”) the testimonies and videos of the parents of vaccine-injured children and also the publications and videos that have been produced by a host of expert vaccinology scholars, intellectuals and true scientists?

Schiff’s plan (along with Big Pharma and BBC efforts in Great Britain to make speaking out about vaccine damages and deaths a hate crime [!]) would eventually lead to the criminalization of millions of honest, intelligent victims of Big Vaccine’s products who would refuse to keep silent about their provable truths. Schiff’s plan would also violate the freedom of speech clause of the US Constitution’s Bill of Rights. Shame on him.

Isn’t it important to preserve – and not destroy – the testimony of eye-witnesses to the well-documented, preventable, iatrogenic epidemic of vaccine-induced neurological and vaccine-induced autoimmune disorders that are a large part of the rapidly-increasing incidence of chronic illness among fully-vaccinated America children?

The scholarly and clinical data that Schiff (and many others) wants to ban and burn, contain important warnings about the multitude of well-documented, preventable (and iatrogenic) vaccine-related deaths, disabilities and autoimmune disorders that have been caused by the inherently dangerous, inherently toxic, intramuscularly-injected vaccine ingredients that include the neurotoxin mercury and the neurotoxin and autoimmunity-inducing nano-particulate aluminum and the encephalopathic live viruses that are known to cause both sub-clinical and full-blown infections among close contacts.

The recently-described reality of vaccine virus shedding (and therefore infectivity) of children who have been recently vaccinated may explain the many mini-epidemics of measles in Disney World or Washington or Oregon that can occur from time to time and which are always the impetus for another round of fear-mongering media hype from the pharmaceutical and medical industries who are always pushing for state laws to implement mandatory vaccinations for public school students.

Perhaps what Public Schools and Parents of the Fully-vaccinated Should be Afraid of is NOT the Unimmunized Well-child but Rather the Child who was Recently Vaccinated (especially with the live-virus-containing MMR)

Big Pharma has always subsidized/bribed a lot of academic researchers and pays a lot of money to both the CDC and the FDA. Big Pharma has always given large campaign contributions (bribes?) to any number of (now bought-out) legislators, but it also has always spoon-fed plausible disinformation to journalists and news anchors in the form of news releases (from industry and the CDC) that talk about the benefits of vaccines without mentioning any of many negatives or any of the contraindications to being vaccinated.

I have great sympathy for the many frustrated physicians who are being forced to try to practice good medicine in clinics where there is a 10-15-minute time-limit for average office visits. That brief period of time only allows prescription-writing or the injecting of vaccines without giving the patient any chance to say yes or no to the prescribed treatment (the principle of informed consent).

As I have often told my patients: “It only takes 2 minutes to write a prescription, but it takes 20 minutes to NOT write a prescription (or to order your nurse to give an intramuscular vaccination)”. It actually takes far more than 20 minutes to obtain a good directed history, to do some relevant teaching, to explain about the possible drug-related or vaccine-related adverse effects and then to offer non-drug options. Every patient deserves to be given all of those items.

In an era of brief office calls, there is no way to practice in accordance with the once-sacred Hippocratic Oath (first do no harm), much less give the patient the chance to refuse the riskiest and most costly (perhaps even lethal) treatment options that also happen to be the most lucrative for both the clinic and the drug or vaccine manufacturers.

Pro-over-vaccination drug reps, legislative lobbyists, internet trolls and assorted disinformation agents libelously label anti-over-vaccination activists as “anti-vaxxers” (and that includes the deserving-of-sympathy parents whose children have been killed or disabled after being vaccinated)!

Each of the groups above, in addition to the industry-paid internet trolls that libel courageous anti-over-vaccination activists/scholars are responsible for the frequent episodes of figurative “book-burnings”. Adam Schiff is one of these libelists.

I think it can be said that book-smart lawyers, especially the ones that go into politics, can’t be expected to understand the intricacies of vaccine science. Lawyer legislators do, however often eagerly respond to lobbyists who come selling an idea for some new legislation that would help their industry become more profitable.

However, when intelligent, not-for-profit scholars who have no axe to grind (other than protecting innocent children from being sickened with dangerous pharmaceutical products that have been heavily propagandized) want to discuss said dangers with politicians who don’t want to hear unwelcome truths about his corporate sponsors, they get the cold shoulder. That is the nature of cognitive dissonance, and lawyers are no different than anybody else in that regard. (Cognitive dissonance is the psychological discomfort felt when a person [as opposed to a non-human, non-feeling, sociopathic corporation] is confronted with a new truth that contradicts or disproves a deeply held belief.).

Physicians, legislators, journalists, internet troll acolytes (the drug reps, the corporate lobbyists and the trolls are beyond help) should be obligated to study all sides of important issues like vaccine-induced autoimmunity. Journalists that know nothing about important concepts like “toxic synergy”, “molecular mimicry”, epigenetics”, “gene expression”, “viral mutation”, etc. should hesitate to expound about the safety and efficacy of over-vaccinating America’s children

Below is the link to an important article about a number of live virus vaccines (including Merck’s MMR) that are known to cause the shedding of the injected vaccine viruses for weeks or more after a person is vaccinated. That means that some of the recently vaccinated children (injected with a live virus vaccine) who are attending a public school or going to the mall or going to Disney Land are potentially contagious and therefore at risk of causing mini-epidemics in contacts. That is a concept that the CDC, your local pediatrician and Adam Schiff are totally ignorant about, but desperately needs to be understood by everybody involved, especially for those who count themselves as being among the censorious “book-burners”. Please read the article here.

What this means, of course, is that the child that has been recently vaccinated with a live measles vaccine may be more dangerous to susceptible children than the well-child that is unvaccinated! This is a reality that will cause a lot of cognitive dissonance among the pro-over-vaccination advocates in pediatrics, at the CDC and among healthcare journalists everywhere.

One can expect that those groups will go to any expense and do whatever they can to try to debunk the real science and discredit the honest scientists that made these discoveries. Big Pharma has thousands of bought-off pseudoscientists that work for them that would be willing to concoct a “study” that “proves” that vaccine viruses do not shed from the bodies of vaccine recipients.

The 59-page National Vaccine Information Center article contains a number of case reports that have documented the fact that vaccine virus shedding can and does occur and therefore recently vaccinated children can be contagious. Here are a couple of other examples from the article:

“It is now known that vaccine viruses can be serially transmitted through human hosts and may revert genetically toward wild-type transmissibility and virulence.” — Wringe A, Fine PEM, Sutter RW, Kew OM. Estimating the Extent of Vaccine-Derived Poliovirus Infection. PLOS One 2008; 3(10.
“Children and adults given live virus vaccines have the potential to pose a health risk to both unvaccinated and vaccinated close contacts.”

Here is more information on the history of book-burning and authoritarianism:

On the evening of May 10, 1933, torch-light parades of right-wing, pro-Nazi German university students burned books in 34 university cities. Tens of thousands of books, pamphlets, research documents and magazines were burned that night. These books were placed on a banned book list. Punishments were devised for anybody caught with one of the books in their possession or for listening to any non-Nazi-approved radio broadcast or for getting caught harboring a Jew or for disobeying an order in the military. There were punishments for concentration camp inmates at Dachau for certain infractions. (See further below.)

The published works of many prominent Jewish, liberal, leftist and anti-fascist writers ended up in the bonfires. In the plaza in front of the University of Berlin, 40,000 Berliners came to watch the book-burning. Many of those in the crowd were excited by President Hindenburg’s appointment of Hitler to the powerful position of Reich Chancellor back on January 30, 1933.

Hitler had established the new Ministry of Propaganda and Popular Enlightenment and had put in charge of the ministry the virulently anti-Semitic sociopath Joseph Goebbels. Goebbels became the hero of the violent white male supremacist, anti-Semitic movement and the “Deutschland Uber Alles” nationalists who ruthlessly dominated Germany up until Germany surrendered to the Russian military on May 2, 1945. Hitler shot himself in the mouth on April 30, 1945 while biting down on a cyanide capsule. He and Eva Braun, his long-time girlfriend were married one day before they killed themselves on the same couch on April 30, 1945. She had a revolver nearby but died by cyanide poisoning.

Burning Books, Banning Books and Black-listing Vaccine Scholars: No Difference Except for the Era and the Source

German authors whose books were destroyed during the Night of the Burning Books included several Nobel Laureates and many liberal, anti-authoritarian, anti-fascist, pro-democracy authors like Thomas Mann, Heinrich Mann, Stefan Zweig, Erich Maria Remarque, Rudolf Steiner, Franz Kafka, Bertolt Brecht, Walther Rathenau, Albert Einstein and Hugo Preuss, the scholar who had drafted the democratic Weimar Constitution. Many minor authors also had their literary works burned and banned.

These banned authors had already been threatened with expulsion from Germany and some had had death threats. They were also well-aware of the famous quote from Jewish playwright Henrich Heine who wrote: “Where they burn books, they will also ultimately burn people.”

Most of the German authors whose books were burned soon tried to leave Germany – many in the dark of night, disguised, using pseudonyms and leaving their possessions behind. The ones who were not lucky enough to get out early found themselves arrested and sent to concentration camps – or worse.

Many foreign writers also had their books burned that night, including Ernest Hemingway, Jack London, Upton Sinclair, Helen Keller, Margaret Sanger, H. G. Wells, Karl Marx, Havelock Ellis, Sigmund Freud, Emile Zola, Marcel Proust, etc.

Here is what Goebbels had to say at the Berlin book-burning:

“Fellow students, German men and women! The age of extreme intellectualism (Jewish) has now ended, and the success of the German revolution has again given the German spirit the right of way…You are doing the proper thing in committing the evil spirit of the past to the flames at this late hour of the night. This is a strong, great, symbolic act, an act that is to bear witness before all the world to the fact that the November (Weimar) Republic has disappeared. From these ashes there will arise a phoenix of a new spirit…The past is lying in flames. The future will rise from the flames within our hearts…Brightened by these flames our vow shall be: The Reich, the Nation and our Fuhrer Adolf Hitler: Heil! Heil! Heil!”

Here is the link to a powerful 9 minute video of the well-coordinated Nazi student book-burnings.

On May 2, 1933, a week before the book-burnings, Hitler’s hooligans took over every trade union headquarters in Germany. They beat up, tortured, arrested and imprisoned union leaders everywhere, and they raided everything of value, including the union dues that had been stored in the offices.

So, in a matter of a week, Germany’s big business leaders and political conservatives had many of their natural enemies neutered, imprisoned or destroyed. Those enemies were naturally anti-capitalist, pro-democratic, pro-socialist, freedom-loving, deep-thinkers, social justice advocates, intellectuals, anti-fascist and pro-labor and now business could be more profitable. The German stock market was happy with the repression of the labor unions – as it would be in every country where Big Businesses exist, especially in Adam Schiff’s version of America (and that includes the pharmaceutical/vaccine industry).

Prior to May 2, 1933, labor unions had had the legal right to negotiate for better wages and better working conditions and to go on strike if necessary. Hitler’s destruction of the labor unions every German capitalist’s wet dream, and the actions by Hitler’s hooligans revealed as lies the Fuehrer’s campaign promises about being pro-worker and anti-capitalist. Later on the Nazis did the same thing to the liberal media as they did to the labor unions.

Nazi Brownshirts demonstrating in front of an anti-fascist labor union headquarters.

The sociopathic Hitler and his sociopathic propaganda minister Goebbels soon did the same thing to the free press that they had done to the labor unions by violently smashing the printing presses of every liberal media outlet in Germany. The pro-Nazi media outlets survived, and Big Business and the political conservatives approved.

Goebbels was a world-class agent provocateur and an inciter of confusion and violence. He qualifies as the Godfather of Propaganda. He exploited the newest technological advances, especially the radio in his use of propaganda. The Nazis subsidized cheap radios so that his propaganda machine would be available to every household. He would have loved to have had  the chance to exploit television and the internet.

Goebbels’ Propaganda ministry also had control of the German film industry, which only made two types of movies: pro-Nazi movies and romantic comedies. Listening to any radio station other than what was approved by the Nazis was a crime.

To more thoroughly understand the dangers of media censorship and propaganda, I submit immediately below a paraphrased article about Nazi journalism from here.

“Freedom of the press…died on the night of Jan. 30, 1933, when Adolf Hitler took the government of Germany into his authoritarian hands.” — Louis Lochner, member of the Berlin press corps during the Nazi era

“To impose control on the domestic press, the regime subjected journalists and publishers to strict oversight. The Nazi party’s publishing house ultimately owned most of the German press, and the Propaganda Ministry maintained control of everything published by the newspapers.

“By 1944, no more than 1,100 newspapers out of the 4,700 that existed when the Nazis came to power in 1933. The German newsman is under oath not to reveal information divulged at press conferences, nor can he reveal information which he may himself have gathered but which the ministry decides may not be published,

“On October 4, 1933, the Editor’s Law came into effect. It defined journalism as a public task regulated by the state and required all professional journalists to register for a permit to work.

“The new law provided editors must be in possession of German citizenship, is of Aryan descent is not married to a person of non-Aryan descent and has the qualifications necessary for the task of spiritually influencing the public.

“To save their jobs journalists soon learned that their records were carefully examined, their political past searched and their blood tested as to its freedom from Jewish taint.

“The law included a sweeping passage defining what could not be published domestically, placing immense power into the hands of top officials of the Propaganda Ministry, un-affectionately referred to as the “Promi” by the foreign press corps. Experience showed that Dr. Goebbels does not hesitate to use his power.

“Labor law was also changed, establishing a Council of Confidence to maintain harmony between employees and management. Under the law, the representative of the employees was no longer elected by the employees but instead appointed by the Nazi party.

“The American Chamber of Commerce was consulted, and it agreed that there was nothing to do do except bow to these new regulations.”

“The process [of mass-media deception] has to be conscious, or it would not be carried out with sufficient precision, but it also has to be unconscious, or it would bring with it a feeling of falsity and hence of guilt…. To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies all this is indispensably necessary.”George Orwell (1984)

“I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, and I was educated to lie, to betray, and not to tell the truth to the public. But seeing right now within the last months how the German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia, this is a point of no return, and I’m going to stand up and say it was not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia, and it is not right what my colleagues do and have done in the past because they are bribed to betray the people, not only in Germany, all over Europe.”Dr. Udo Ulfkotte – top German journalist and editor for more than two decades (World Class Journalist Spills The Beans & Admits Mainstream Media Is Completely Fake)

“I was sitting with [NBC Today Show’s] Matt Lauer in an interview and he said, ‘Dr Wakefield, isn’t this just conspiracy theory?’ The press loves that! I replied ‘Well Matt, it’s really interesting that you should say that because in the courts in Australia, just this week, in the Vioxx lawsuits trial against Merck, where they knowingly killed thousands of patients with Vioxx, there were a series of disclosures about internal emails at Merck about how they would deal with doctors who dissented from the safety of Vioxx. And in court, they said, ‘We may have to seek them out and destroy them where they live.’ So I said, ‘Matt, you know it’s less a question of conspiracy theory and more a question of corporate policy, don’t you think?’ And that did not make it off the cutting room floor, as you can imagine.”Andrew Wakefield, MD [2015 May] Moms In Charge Presents Dr. Andrew Wakefield on CDC Whistleblower“In the recent controversy about the BBC…it is never mentioned that the Corporation has for decades pursued policies of strict censorship in line with corporate and governmental ideology. In my work, in relation to alternative medicine, I personally have become aware of…the controversy over the MMR vaccination and the case of Dr Andrew Wakefield…Exactly how the corporate pharmaceutical pressure was exerted within the BBC is difficult to discern.” Martin Walker

“I never saw a foreign intervention that the New York Times did not support. I never saw it take the side of labor in a strike or lockout or advocate a raise for underpaid workers. The same is true about universal health care and Social Security. So how could people think that the Times is liberal?” — John Hess, veteran New York Times reporter

“Most Americans have no idea that what we are fed by the news media is nothing more than a portrayal of what powerful corporations want us to believe, that what happens to pass as education is as often as not mere propaganda, that what we learn in church may have very little or nothing to do with the truth, that what our parents teach us may be nothing more than an accumulation of their own personal biases. And through such a process, governments and nations around the world wield control as to what their citizens believe, value, and do.” — Doug Soderstrom

The post Adam Schiff, the Persecution, Black-listing and Criminalization of Anti-Over-Vaccination Activists, and the Nazi Book-Burnings of 1933 appeared first on LewRockwell.

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